Kid bits

Rory's dentist appointment yesterday was a success, and her teeth are perfectly fine (thank goodness!). She walked into that dentist's office and never stopped talking. And by the way all the office staff were gathered around her, I'm pretty sure she charmed the pants off them. The dentist told me he'd never had a 2 or 3 year old have such a great visit.

I had yet another eye doctor's appointment this morning. There's progress with my crazy cornea's, but they're apparently not finished reshaping yet so I'll head back again in 2 weeks.

Brian has spent every spare moment working on VBS this week (starts Sunday). I'll be glad to have the initial class over with and maybe we'll get to enjoy some family time.

Tomorrow includes Rory's photo shoot for the publication, maybe a little bit of sight-seeing since we'll be in Franklin (although the 96 degree weather is going to seriously put a damper on any outdoor activity) and a Father's Day dinner tomorrow night.

Here are a few kid bits:
  • In the last week or two Rory has suddenly become a fan of all things "pwincess." She asks for her "pwincess" bowl and washcloth (okay, those are about the only princess things we own), and she also is very specific in wanting to drink from her Dora cup.
  • Her mean streak in telling her daddy no continues. She's got a little stubborn 2-year old thing going on.
  • After 5 years of being traumatized with every little scrape and scratch, Camden is now wearing his scars proudly and thinks they're cool.
  • He's also pretty darn proud of those silver crowns on his teeth, and I'm pretty sure he's shown everyone we know. Hopefully, he's recently brushed before showing everyone.
  • Rory is clearly feeling a little left out in the doctor/dentist department because she's been going around the house in a pitiful voice saying, "I need to see Docta Heil. He need to see my egg (a.k.a. leg)."
  • And speaking of those legs, have you ever seen mosquito bites that immediately swell up to a crazy size, blister over, and then burst? Yes, this happens to Rory and then she's left with these open sores. It's horrible!
  • Camden continues to spend hours a day either digging in the yard of playing with his miniature set of Magnetix (which gets smaller and smaller as he continues to lose pieces). I think we might replace it with a big set for his birthday.
  • Rory continues to be my potty partner and tells me "good job, mommy, good job Missa, give me a hug" each time.
  • Last night after VBS when we asked Camden what he learned, he said, "oh, Jesus and whatever."

Lauren Grier/Manda Bean Cinemania (available 6/20 at SSD)


Brenna said…
Oh, those horrible mosquito bites! One of my sons had these types of reactions ~his actually made huge welts, blistered, then bled and oozed for days each time. We had never seen such a reaction! At age 7, he has mostly grown out of it now, praise the Lord. I hope Rory outgrows her reactions even sooner.
Amanda said…
Hope ya'll enjoy your day in Franklin even in the heat.
Maria said…
I LOVE Camden -- he reminds me so much of Josh at that age. We MIGHT have some Magnetix. If so, I'll save them for him. Also, his comment about what he learned -- classic Josh. Typically EVERY Sunday after church we say, "What did you all study in SS?" "Oh, about Jesus." *sigh* I hate to tell you, it doesn't seem to get better.
"Jesus and Whatever" ... PRICELESS! :-)

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