We're Home

We made it home in a little under 10 hours yesterday, and although I think we're all glad to be back with no road trips in the near future, we had a wonderful time. The kids were happy to be back with their daddy and Rory ran to her room and laid down on the floor, so I'm guessing she was happy to be back in familiar territory. I pretty much crashed last night so I've got alot of unpacking and laundry to do today. Not to mention that the fridge is empty, I'm pretty sure the floors haven't been vacuumed since I left, and the bathrooms need some help.

I'm working on pictures but for now here are just a few random thoughts about our trip:
  • You know you've spent a week in chilly Illinois when you come home and think that 73 is stifling hot.
  • After spending 24 hours in a car with a DVD player stuck in front of her nose, Rory still wants nothing to do with TV/movies. I may never win her over.
  • By the way, how did parents survive road trips before portable DVD players.
  • Three potty training toddlers. Need I say more?
  • After approximately 30 seconds of fishing, Camden declared nothing was biting and we should move to a new spot.
  • Maximum Strength Mucinex D is a lifesaver (even if I did have to shell out $25 for it).
  • After approximately 5 seconds of fishing with three boys, Uncle Matt decided he was never taking them again.
  • When I talked to my dad last night and told him to enjoy his quiet evening, Camden said, "why would he want a quiet evening?"
  • Why is it that there is a Starbucks on every corner, but I drove for 4 hours without seeing one yesterday (and I NEEDED it!).
  • Becky makes the best cinnamon rolls ever. Seriously. She could make some money off those rolls!
  • My mom, dad, and brother are saints for hosting all of us for 7 days.
  • Despite what the four children think, 6:00 a.m. (or before) is NOT an acceptable wake time for kids 5 years old and younger.
  • Hearing Xavier pray, "Dank you fur the funshine" was one of the cutest things I've ever heard.
  • You've been gone from home too long when you forget how to work your own showers.
  • Best part of the trip is knowing that the kiddos made lifelong memories with their cousins, aunt, uncle, and grandparents.


Heather (mom2jma) said…
Sounds like a fun and 'challenging' trip!! I'm sure you're glad to be back in your own home, though! Reading your thoughts today makes me a little nervous (ok, really scared) for my 8 hour drive with my 3 to my parents (no hubby) in a few weeks! LOL! The things we do as parents!! Hope you have a great relaxing day!
Mayme said…
Glad you are home and loved the pics. They all looked so happy. I'm sure that Brian was equally as happy to see you guys get home!
M :-) said…
Oh, Melissa, it sounds like you had a wonderful trip. How great for the kids to be able to spend so much time together. I'm sure your parents loved every minute of it!

I had to laugh about the fishing ... I'm not sure who would have the patience to take three little boys fishing. LOL!

Last fall when we drove from here to Florida (too many hours to count) - I asked G the same thing - how did parents ever survive without DVD players. It was a lifesaver for us.

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