Two Firemen

Camden and Rory played together for the first time last night. There was actual interaction; no whining from Rory because Camden was near her; no complaining from Camden because she was touching his toys. They just played and giggled and laughed. They even went back to Camden's room and shut the door. We could hear Camden "coaching" her on how to shoot the basketball. And then a few minutes later, they came out of the room like this.

Camden was so proud of himself, and Rory thought she was big stuff in the hat. It was just adorable!

The rest of our night wasn't quite so good. Rory was up until 11:00 p.m. last night, awake at 5:00-6:00 a.m. and now back up again at 7:00. And she only took an hour long nap yesterday. I think either today is going to be long because she's cranky or she's going to take a really long nap!


Korea Adoption said…
Wonderful Picture.

John (Some Day Father) in Michigan
Angie said…
That picture is just too cute! It's a wonderful thing to hear siblings laughing and playing together. I just wish it happened a lot more often around my house. With 4 kids it seems like someone is almost always fighting or upset. Hope you and Rory have a good day and that she won't be too cranky!
M :-) said…
So cute! Isn't it fun watching siblings play together? N & L love playing together, but they also love to fight with each other. N loves to absolutely torment L. :( They both adore M though, so that helps. LOL!
Anonymous said…
Hey Melissa - I feel your pain on the sleep. When Lacie was just the same age she would go down at 10 p, up from 3-5 am and then back down for another hour. So, poor Rory - to add to her sleeplessness - is a new environment, new family, etc. It will get better - I promise. Reading your blog helps me see some reality as I prepare to bring our little guy home - hopefully sooner than later.

Wendy said…
Precious!! The first of MANY fun times playing together. :)Continued prayers for you all. Sounds like her schedule may be showing the signs of getting in a groove...fingers crossed! ;)

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