Spring Break Day 1

It's been an exciting spring break so far. We've done laundry, cleaned bathrooms, vacuumed, dusted and fixed a broken toilet. Doesn't get much better than that! Maybe tomorrow will be a bit more exciting!

Camden would tell you that his day has been exciting. He pinched his thumb in the closet door (and it looks quite painful) and he thinks that arm is just completely incapacitated. I've tried to hide my smiles from him, but his reaction throughout the day has been pretty funny.

Rory reached out for Brian today and kissed him for the first time today. She has kissed him before, but not without alot of coaching and examples by Camden. Today she did it all on her own. It made him feel pretty good!

We went to church yesterday for the first time and stayed in the nursery for Sunday School and church. Rory was pretty quiet and solemn, but did well. It bothers me that she immediately left me and wanted to go straight to Liz as well as one other girl at church. That shouldn't be happening! I feel like I am being so paranoid (okay, you can call me uptight if you want) about the attachment thing, but I just want to get it right and to protect her as best as I can. She's had too many changes in her little life already. And I do feel that she's doing well. Everytime she pulls me in for a kiss or a hug or just giggles in my face, my heart melts a little bit.

I actually scrapped this page all in one day - something that doesn't seem to be happening for me lately! She was playing with her daddy here.


Amanda said…
I am so glad that things seem to be getting better. I was happy for you when I read the last post about her sleeping all night and taking a great nap. Praying that it continues for you and starts soon for me :) The transition period is such a hard time. How great that she made the effort herself to kiss her daddy. Praying that those times will continue to grow everyday. I am sure it melted his heart. I love the page and am enjoying reading about your everyday life. It helps me to know someone else is going through this stuff like me. I know that it will get better for both of us each day until these hard days are just a wonderful memory to scrapbook.
M :-) said…
How precious that she kissed her Daddy. I'm sure that made his day!

We've been home nearly 3 months, and we still haven't really taken Molly anywhere. I know that there are a lot of people frustrated with us, but I am determined to do things right - and in the best interest of her. I've had many people tell me that I'm being very uptight, but I don't care. LOL!

The layout is adorable!
OMG I can't get over how stinkin adorable she is....

some people won't understand those little moments and how much they mean...kissing brian on her own! I am sure it made him feel wonderful....

Just know that you guys are doing what is best for Rory and your family.... if you are comfortable with what you are doing then that is ALL that matters... just remember you guys are the only ones that HAVE to understand....

Keep up the good work and it is okay that she goes to other people.... possibly let it be for just a few minutes then bring her back to you again.... =) You guys are doing great!!!!

Love hearing the updates!
Anonymous said…
Hang in there girlfriend! She'll grow up before you know it and all this will just be a blessed memory.
Just remember, I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.
Don't tell God how big your problems are.....tell your problems how big your God is!!!
Love ya all!
your cousin Vicki Lynn

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