A few highlights from yesterday.

1. Camden spent a good 45 minutes scribbling "maps and messages since I have the community idol" (his version of Survivor).
2. Camden and Rory played "barbershop" without real scissors, thank goodness.
3. She then proceeded to try to climb up in his lap (pictures tomorrow) and it was so sweet until he dumped her off completely on purpose.
4. We ordered pizza last night (thank you, Pizza Done Right for $6.99 carryout on Mondays) and I was so desperate to get out of the house that we all rode along to pick it up. Is it sad that was almost the highlight of my day?

Last night was pretty rough. I'm pretty sure my hours of sleep topped off at 3-4, and Rory probably got 4-5. How is it possible for an 18-month old to survive with so little sleep? And shes actually pretty happy this morning (has been since 4:30 a.m.). Well, happy as long as she's on my lap; really, really cranky if I put her down. It's a good thing I'm becoming a good one-hand typist.

The big plans for today is a trip to the grocery store and possibly a walk. I'm not sure it got out of the 30's yesterday and was freezing, but I think it's supposed to be warmer.

I did scrap TWO pages within a 24-hour period! The first is using the first picture of Camden and Rory together, and the second is me and Camden one morning after we arrived home from Korea (sans make-up and real clothing for me - yikes!).


Amanda said…
Great pages and I am still trying to figure out the one on how kids can just keep going on so little sleep. Reminds me of the energizer bunny commercials. You would think they would just collapse from exhaustion at some point but oh no they just keep going and going and going......

Hoping for days ahead filled with much needed sleep for you.
Anonymous said…
Okay, so I found you on google.

Here's the deal...my name is also Melissa Lewis. I also live in Tennessee. From the looks of it, you have adopted, which, my husband and I plan on doing as well. This will be the only way, we believe, that God wishes to bless us with a family.

I would love to talk with you a little more if you are interested, however, i don't see any other form of contact.

Just seems a bit too coincidental, all the similarities.

I love your blog, btw!

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