Easter pictures

Not only was yesterday Easter, but it also marks 4 years since Camden came home from Korea and we became a family. Unfortunately, Easter and the Easter egg hunt took precedence, and he got a little confused as to why we were celebrating. And as for the cake I bought, he said he'd rather choose something from his Easter egg basket because that would be "more specialer and more funner." I had planned to have a video from when we first met Camden as well as footage from yesterday, but Brian was much too busy getting ready to return to school after spring break to work on a video. A few pictures will have to do.

By the way, any of my photographer/digiscrapping friends know why my pictures look so bland? In Lightroom they look great, but when I upload them to the blog, they lose alot of color and sharpness.

Camden and his cake (yes, his head is cut off
but it's the only one I got where he's smiling)

What a handsome boy!

Family picture

Pray for me today. I've got Rory and Camden both at home today and they're already bored and not getting along, and it's only 8:47!

Since there's no video of baby Camden, I scrapped a picture from his early days at home.


Korea Adoption said…
WOW! Wonderful pictures. They are so cute. Is there any way to email you? I was wondering what kind of video camera do you use to take videos and what progam did you use to put them together? Thanks.

John (Some Day Father) in Michigan
Amanda said…
the pictures are great. 2 beautiful kids and a beautiful family. I'll be praying for you today. Hannah and Tre' have just about had to much time together also so i feel your pain. have a good day.
Oh Melissa they are just beautiful!! Both are adorable, what a beauty little miss rory is...

keep the pictures coming!
Angie said…
The pictures all look great! Rory's haircut look good! I will definetely pray for you today. All my kids were home together the last two weeks and I completely understand how you feel!!! They all went back to school today and I think we were all ready.
Anonymous said…
Wow by yourself with Camden and Rory my prayers are sent your way not that their bad kids I just know how Dawson and Kyra can be sometimes when their not getting along and I'm only with them for about 2 1/2 hours a day. Cute pictures looks like they had fun getting all that candy.
M :-) said…
Happy Family Day, Camden!!!

Beautiful pictures. :)
Vonda and John said…


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