
I was trying really hard to come up with a title for today, but I'm drawing a blank! I'm actually kind of drawing a blank for anything to say as well, but I did think of a fun memory that happened 4 years ago today. On my 28th birthday (you can do the math to see how terribly old I am today), we had received Camden's referral, but had not officially accepted it yet, and we were really struggling to choose a name for him. I was sure of the name, but as usual Brian and I were not on the same page. But on my birthday card, Brian wrote me a sweet note telling me how wonderful I am I'm sure (insert sarcasm here) and at the very end, he wrote "P.S. Look at the back of this card for a fun surprise." I turned the card over and it said, "Happy Birthday - you win. Camden Eli it is." Isn't that fun!

Here's a picture Brian took of Camden wearing his Halloween shirt. We had to cheat and take these pictures the weekend after Halloween since it fell on a Wednesday this year and it was already dark by the time we got home.
And I'm trying to finish up scrapping these pictures we had taken by our friend Angie last year. Camden is just too handsome for his own good here!


Angie said…
Happy Birthday! The pics of Camden from that day are some of my favorites from all of my photo shoots. He is just so cute!! Hope you have a great day!
Karen said…
Camden in that hat is the cutest! I love his Oct. 31 shirt, too. Sam calls jerseys "number tops"
Wendy said…
Happy Belated Birthday Melissa!! Love the story of the birthday card and Camden's name......that is a very sweet birthday present! :) I love his name btw!

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