A Success

I think the sleepover was a success! Camden and the girls had a ton of fun giggling, running around, playing together, and watching movies. I will admit that Camden was fairly loud, obnoxious, and very possessive of his toys, but he wasn't mean, and I think it's probably pretty typical 4 year old behavior. For the most part, though, they had a blast! Brian and I had fun with them although I will admit that going from 1 child to 3 was a pretty big leap and more work than I imagined, but fun. Here's a quick example of how boys and girls are different: They were watching Mulan (which Camden was less than thrilled about). Emily would cover her eyes during the "bad parts" which was anytime the soldiers were visible. As the fight scene started, she covered her eyes and said she didn't want to watch the bad part. Camden looked at her like she was nuts and said, "this isn't the bad part. This is just the mean men fighting and killing each other." Okay, I just realized that this sounds first of all like we were letting them watch an adult movie and second that Camden sounds a bit psycho!

Here's a picture of the 3 of them getting ready to watch a movie with their p.j.'s on. They're so cute!


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