
I feel like I've been keeping secrets for so long with the trip, Rory, etc. that I haven't been able to blog about so many things happening in our lives, so you might want to settle in - I've got a long weekend recap for you!

I left work early on Thursday in order to make my flight. First we got stuck in traffic, then I went to the wrong airline to check in, then the security line was FOREVER long!! I barely made it to my gate in time, but my flight was completely uneventful, and the only flight out of 4 that I had to share a seat. I made it to Tulsa at 8:55 p.m. and Micah picked me up and was so excited about Becky's surprise. Micah had told Becky that a group of girls from her Bible study were going to stop by late after dinner and so when we arrived at the house, we parked on the street (the porch light was off) and he called her to ask if her friends had arrived yet. As he was asking her if her friends were there, I knocked on the door. I could hear her talking to Micah on the phone as she came and answered the door. I was holding a sign that said "Happy Birthday from Micah, William, and Xavier." She was absolutely stunned! It was such a fun surprise. After the initial surprise was over, they gave me a tour of the house and we sat down to talk. I casually pulled pictures of some family members out of my bag that I knew she would be interested in and gave them to her. I also had Rory's pictures in there as well. I was explaining all the different pictures to her, and then when she pulled out Rory's picture, I said, "and this is our Rory." She was so surprised and excited for us! And it was so sweet to be able to share the big news with her in person.

One of Becky's friends was having her mastectomy on Friday, so Becky had made muffins for the family and we delivered them to the hospital that morning. I was also able to meet Becky's surgeon who she has become friends with. Friday night we went to the Melting Pot and had the best time! The food was incredible, and we had a blast!

Saturday was National Digital Scrapbooking Day and we spent ALL DAY in front of the computers. We both had our laptops, our EHDs in the kitchen. Becky got several pages done, and maybe a bit of shopping as well. I had lots of fun spending time with William and Xavier. They are so sweet! Unfortunately, they weren't too sure of me! I won Xavier over pretty quickly with some M&M's, but William never did really become my friend. I did get goodbye kisses from both, though!

Sunday was pretty much more of the same and I left this morning for home. I think Brian is ready for a break from our 4 year old who NEVER stops talking! Camden must have missed me because he is very excited to have me home. Brian has had knee problems for quite a while, but he's really having issues these days. Not sure if it's being on his feet teaching all day or what, but his knee is swollen to at least twice it's normal size, and he's sitting here with his knee propped up and iced. Camden just said, "it's so nice to be a family again." So sweet! I also came home to a very clean house so I should say thank you to my sweet husband for that!

I'll post more about Rory tomorrow. Thanks for all the congratulations and good wishes!


Anonymous said…
can't wait to hear more about Rory and hear more about your parents reaction, Brian's parents!!

More details LOL
and more girly pages... LOL I know you have a few more pictures!
Anonymous said…
What a wonderful surprise for your sister. I would love to be able to pull something like that off, but I am terrible with secrets! And that sounds like a fabulous way to spend DSD. Good times!

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