
Catchy title, eh?

This was Camden's prayer last night at supper. "Dear Jesus, thank you for the food. Thank you for me. Amen." Funny, and maybe a bit selfish (yes, he's an only child). Of course, when we pray with him at night, we always say "thank you for Camden" so he's just repeating us. He's been having bloody noses several times a week during the night. Last night he had one, but didn't wake up so when he got up this morning, his face was nasty. I took him to the bathroom to clean him up, and he was petrified to see himself in the mirror. He is pretty obsessive about being dirty anyway - drives him crazy. I'm sure that trait has nothing to do with the fact that his mommy was obsessive about keeping him clean when he was a baby/toddler. Once he got over being scared, he thought it was kind of cool, and kept making lots of faces at himself.

The power in our entire city went out last night for a couple of hours. They said it's because of high electric use. I actually slept through the entire thing, which is rare for me since I'm a light sleeper. The news story this morning encouraged everyone to cut down on their electric use by not cooking supper or doing laundry when you get home from work. Sounds good to me. Now I have an excuse for what I normally do (or don't do) anyway! They also mentioned turning your airconditioner up a couple of degrees. No way I'm doing that! It was 97 yesterday.

I went to the dentist yesterday. I'm very embarrassed to admit that it's been almost FIVE years! Hey, we don't have dental insurance, and I've never had teeth trouble. Thankfully, they're still in good shape and the hygienist was amazed that it had been that long because my teeth were good. They were pretty sensitive for the rest of the day after a vigorous cleaning! I asked about when to take Camden, and they said sometime in the next 6-12 months just for an introductory visit. They did mention that although this is a generalization, Asians teeth tend to be weaker and so now I'm worried he's going to have bad teeth. He has very pretty baby teeth, but baby teeth aren't what matters!

I participated in the ScrapArtist chat last night and won a $10 gift card when I was the first to answer a trivia question. There were 268 participating at time, so I guess it pays to type 95 words a minute! Who knew that skill would ever come in handy outside the office.

Here are a couple of layouts. If the picture in the first one looks familiar, that's because I just scrapped it over the weekend, but I've redone it. I just wasn't happy with it. The second is for an ad challenge at Mom, the bigger pic sizes are for you. Hope this helps.

MATCHING P.J.'S - credits here
PLAY - credits here


Daly said…
you funny girl! loved that.
I'll have to be sure and check in again.
(It's sweltering here in Texas too, over 100.......and NO RAIN in months!)
Do a little rain dance / prayer for us here in the LOne STar state...'k?
Becky said…
they told you to not cook supper or do laundry? That seems really odd to me, but I am glad that you can have a real reason (not excuse!) to not cook! I loved Camden's prayer!
Love you,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the larger size--for me! I will be able to read the text on the scrapbook pages. No comment on the reason/excuse not to cook. :) Congratulations on your winning with your fast wit & typing! Love, Mom

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