
It’s Monday again! There’s just something about Monday mornings that is soooooo not fun! I usually start getting cranky about 7:00 p.m. on Sunday evenings knowing that Monday morning is headed my way. My Starbucks frappucino keeps me sane – my Monday morning ritual!

Our weekend was fun, but very hot! Friday I stayed home with Camden. He was very sweet all day. We grocery shopped, played, and made cookies. He was so proud of himself. I’m sure this is quite normal for a 3 year old, but this boy can ask more questions than you can imagine. And not only does he ask ALOT of questions, he repeats them over and over. So you can only imagine how question opportunities making cookies opened up. I was patient, but after it was over, I felt like I needed some alone time! Thank goodness Brian was home soon and I headed to Curves for 30 minutes of solitude.

We went to the rodeo Friday night. It didn’t start until 8 p.m., and the temperature had cooled off enough that it was pretty comfortable. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much plaid, big hair, cowboy hats, and belt buckles the size of Tennessee before! We discovered that 3 hours on bleachers with a 3 year old can be a little much! Camden had a blast, though. The first hour or so he watched everything going around so intently and when he would look at us, would just break into a huge grin. The second hour, his questions started (imagine how many he could come up with!!). The third hour, he was quite antsy. The funniest thing about the rodeo was that he was so concerned with those cowboy hats that were flying off into the dirt. In fact, when family and friends have asked him about the rodeo, that’s the first thing he tells them.

Saturday was tax-free in Tennessee so we shopping. We were going shopping for me, but I came home with not too much! Brian, on the other hand, came home with two pairs of jeans, one casual shirt, two dress shirts, two ties, and two dress pants!! How does that happen? We started at Panera Bread, which was nice! We quickly discovered that keeping Camden out until 11 p.m. and then spending 5 hours shopping the next day is not a good idea. I know there are mothers out there who are capable of shopping with children and maybe even enjoy it, but it sucks the joy right out of shopping for me. He’s pretty good, but it’s like he’s on straight sugar when we go shopping. He is so hyper and silly, I can hardly keep up with him!

Talked to my sister-in-law for over 2 hours on Saturday. I don’t know why I go so long without calling her, but we have a great relationship. We were friends in college, and because she lives in Utah, we don’t see them that often, but we can always just pick up right where we left off. They are beginning the foster-adopt program, and I’m really excited for them.

Have I mentioned 24? Brian really wanted to watch this show since he’s heard so many good things about it. It is very good. We’ve watched the first 4 DVD’s of season 1. Of course, there are like 4 or 5 seasons at this point so I have no idea how we’ll catch up. It is quite addicting, though. We watched 4 episodes Saturday night and 2 episodes after church Sunday and wanted to keep going! Poor Brian though there were only 2 seasons and had hopes we could get caught up before the new season begins. I don’t think there’s any way possible!

I did get to do a little scrapping this weekend, but not much. One layout is from Saturday; the other is from Thursday evening.

Happy Monday!
C&G - credits here

Daddy 'n Me - credits here


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