Teeth (take 2)

I'm an idiot. I just realized that my heading from yesterday was teeth, and then I never told the story! I am very excited because Brian and I are getting our teeth professionally whitened. This is definitely not something that we would normally spring for, but our cafeteria plan money expires in September and we've all had our normal physicals, dental visits, vision visits, and we still have leftover money. Brian is getting the professional strength Crest white strips, and I'm getting the bleaching treatment where they make custom molds of your teeth and then you fill with bleach and wear for a certain amount of time every day for a while (I don't have the specifics yet). I went yesterday to be fitted for the molds, and that was NOT fun! They couldn't find metal plates small enough for my mouth so they went to a youth size. Then they fill it with lots of nasty goo, and fit the plates over your bottom register and painfully press down until they're sealed. They then have to pry the plate and dried goo off your teeth. You feel like you're going to gag because your mouth is so full of this mushy goo, not to mention the metal plate! Then they repeat the top register, and for the top you feel like the goo is oozing down your throat! Not fun at all, but hopefully worth it. I go back to pick up the molds today. I've wanted to have my teeth whitened for several years now, and am so excited. My teeth are not horribly yellow or anything, but enough that they make me self-conscious about it. Hopefully after this my pearly whites will shine!

What is going on with Camden?? Two nights in a row he has gone a "big one" (to use his words) in his pants! This boy has been potty trained since October!Tuesday night I made him go straight to bed as punishment (although it was his bedtime already - he just didn't realize it). Last night we were going to get Frosty's after church, but we didn't let him have one as punishment. I feel like he needs some kind of discipline for it, but didn't want to be too harsh.

Camden has always responded well to bribes of any sort, but especially food bribes. He'll do anything for one M&M. We've been giving him one small treat every day after school if he was good, no fits, took his nap, etc. Well, I've hit gold! He has been perfect for many days in a row because he gets one "Starburt" when he gets home. He wakes up in the morning beaming and ready to go to school because he'll get a "Starburt." It's the first thing out of his mouth in the morning and the first thing he says when we pick him up. And it's just so cute that I can't correct his pronunciation of it.

Well, I said yesterday my job was changing, and today I got news that changes it even more. I'm adding quite a few responsibilities. I will be helping out quite a bit with our campital relocation campaign, in addition to my other responsibilies. I'm probably getting an assistant (yah for me!), and a little more money even.

Okay, that's it for today I think. No new scrap pages, unfortunately.


Anonymous said…
I hope the bleaching goes well and you end up with beautful, bright white teeth!! That is awesome :)

ROFL " The big one". What a funny little man you have!

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