Baby Sister

No one get excited. It's just a cute story, not an announcement. Brian and Camden were watching golf or football (not sure I care which) this week, and there was a cute commercial on with puppies. Brian asked Camden if he wanted a puppy (which he is NOT going to get), and Camden said, "no, I want a baby sister." How cute is that!

We're back to Camden's horrible summer sleeping habits. I think we're being paid back for all those times that parents told me their 3 year olds still didn't sleep through the night, and I thought in the back of my head that they must not be very consistent because otherwise, how could that be possible! We've had issues with this since May, but it had gotten a little better in the last couple of weeks, but this week has been horrible. He's up 3-5 times every night either going potty or wanting us to cover him up or just plain ready to get up and not happy when we tell him it's 1:00 a.m.! Last night he was up at 10:30 (we had just gone to bed so that's not too bad), at 1:00 (he threw a HUGE fit when we wouldn't let him get up), at 4:00 and then up for good at 5:30. He's spending the night at Gram and Gramps tonight. Hopefully he won't do this to them!

It's date night! Bob and Brenda offered to keep Camden today and tonight so after work we're going out to eat and a movie. Not sure what we'll see. Nothing is really calling to me, but I'm sure I can find something, and since we have the opportunity I have no intention of letting it go to waste! Brian is working on a deer stand with his dad tomorrow, and I'm going to Curves, going grocery shopping, and getting my hair cut. Sunday we have church and then I've got a big reception to take care of in the afternoon. Lots of fun.

I think that's about it. Here's one LO from yesterday.


Anonymous said…
SUPER cute layout, just love it! That is cute about the baby siter, how nice for you, lol;) Hope you had fun on your date night!!!

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