Back to School

 Yes, I know I missed the entire summer. I will catch up soon, but I didn't want the start of school to slip by.

Because I have an 8th grader and a junior! As usual, I just don't know where the time goes. There's this little thing called COVID-19 continuing to keep us all captive so returning to school is no small matter. Brian and I (mostly me) spent many anguished days and nights trying to decide what was the right choice for the kids. Ultimately, we decided to keep them at the same school they've always attended which is meeting in-person with masks and other safety protocols. Both Camden and Rory are thrilled to be back with their friends and I'm so glad they continue to love school.

We've completed our first week and are well on our way to finishing up week number two and no snags for the kids yet. (I won't count the quarantined freshman class as a snag for my kids. Yikes!) Camden is taking difficult classes, along with dual enrollment (college classes). Honestly, his academic junior year probably had the most influence on our choice to let the kids go back to school.




Ramsh said…
Great to see your post! Glad you all seem to be doing well.
Lovely to see your post and that things are going well.

Jocelyn x

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