Weekend Recap

We kicked off our weekend with a family dinner at my sister's house. Breakfast for dinner, and it was good! Despite having chemo Thursday, I felt decent all weekend, which was a blessing. In fact, I felt so well that I picked up my old Friday night habit of staying up way too late. Saturday morning is the only time I have to sleep in (and by sleep in, I mean 7:00 a.m.) so for most of our marriage I have used Friday nights to scrap, catch up on TV, wasting time, etc. There is something about a quiet house late at night that I love.

Saturday morning started off big. Not only did a tree fall down (narrowly missing the house and the kid's bedroom), but we discovered that there is a large rodent chewing through the wall and living in our garage. Yikes!


Saturday night we took my parents out to eat at Coco's as a thank you for, well, everything in the past 18 months. Pretty sure dinner wasn't enough!


Sunday was church, followed by a lazy afternoon. And this morning it's back to school. Any idea on how to keep a 9 year old from throwing a fit every. single. morning. as I remind him to brush his teeth, make his bed, use lotion (he has eczema). Oh, the horror! Our lives would be a whole lot easier if he could just accept that these things are going to be a part of his life for, oh, let's say, the REST OF HIS LIFE.

I'm trying to take a kid picture every Monday morning, but this morning I did not have it in me to try to redo this one. I pretty much used up all my patience just getting us out the door.

In addition to everything mentioned here, I mostly spent the weekend disgusted and angry with myself after realizing I've gained EIGHT pounds this summer. Yes, I could blame the menopausal hormones and the chemo which makes me nauseous every time my stomach approaches empty and the lack of energy to exercise most of the time, but I'm fairly certain a whole lot of summertime ice cream played a little part too. Psalm 139:14 which says, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well" came to mind this morning during quiet time, and I felt a little convicted at all the ugly things I've been telling myself all weekend. I'm pretty sure God wants me to be healthy, but I'm also pretty sure He did not approve of all the negative energy I expended over the weekend.

So here's to a new week with maybe a little more exercise and water and definitely fewer of these.


Anonymous said…
Oh Melissa, thank you for making my boys seem "normal". N & L are just like Camden. Getting them to brush their teeth , comb their hair -- anything that has to do with personal hygiene is like pulling teeth. SO INCREDIBLY MADDENING! I have told them until I'm blue in the face that it is a part of life -- I think someone on the news got through to Noah (at least for the time being) because he told me on Friday that he'll start brushing his teeth without throwing a fit because he "doesn't want choppers like old people." Ha! Choppers - LOL! Anyway ... you're not alone. I wish I had some advice for you, but I'm going through the same thing with my lovely boys right now. ;)

Oh man... I seriously love the Monday morning photo. I think it's perfect just as it is. I mean, we are supposed to capture our lives... right?! :-)

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