
"All right, then. The next time you cry, I'm just gonna let you cry it out because you are not keeping our deal." from Rory to Addison

If you're interested in moving to Texas, here's some material on McKinney - can't wait to move here!

I am finding that the longer I'm on WW and eating healthy, clean foods, the less tasty artificial food tastes and the more delicious decadent food tastes. For instance, I had a bite of Rory's Wendy's frosty the other day, and it tasted so fake and gross. But my bite of all-natural Breyer's was AMAZING. And I've noticed that when I have something that actually has butter in it, I can really tell because it's so much more delicious than low-fat food.

My friend Vicky, who is battling breast cancer, is up for an award. I'd love it if you'd watch her video and then vote. You have until April 18. Video and vote here.

While watching a commercial for DWTS, Rory says, " Mama, I just love her tutu." And then she leaned forward and whispered, "That's Spanish for dress."

Took Addison with me to the dentist yesterday as well as the local grocery store. You know we live in a small community, right? And as if I didn't have enough attention as the mother with two super-cute Asian kids, I have become the mother with cancer with the super-cute Asian kids. Well, yesterday, both the dental assistant and the grocer congratulated me and asked me what country we had adopted such a new baby from. :) And when I explained to the grocer that she was my niece, the grocer got a stricken look on her face for my poor sister who couldn't take care of her child and assumed that I had adopted her.

Took Addison for a major Walmart run today. Thank heavens for a Moby Wrap. After scratching my neck to pieces, the munchkin snuggled in and didn't make a peep for the rest of the trip. It was so much easier to "wear" her than lug around the big carseat. Not to mention the fact that I can't see over the carseat when I put it in the cart. And poor Rory must have explained 15 times that she doesn't have a baby sister, just a baby cousin.

I blogged about a 35mm lens vs. a 50mm lens on The Lilypad blog if you're interested in a visual explanation.



Check out the onesie.


Feeling quite guilty about the lack of Camden pictures. And was very happy to see this note from his teacher because it's turning out to be a trying week in the 8 year old boy department.


Vicky said…
Oh thank you sweet friend- such an honor :) Oh how you crack me up- the whole woman with breast cancer AND two asian babies- oh I so get that! Its sort of like being a celebrity...

Its so true also about how your tastes change- we have never done soda or sugar cereal or fast food, etc, but some processed foods have been in our diet. But they taste horrible after you've been eating fresh and clean and then that is all you want and crave. Good for you!!
I absolutely agree about the foods. I can't even fathom eating anything from a fast food restaurant. Today after teaching my classes, I was really hungry and all I could think was that I just wanted to get home and eat something healthy. Rory cracks me up too, of course tutu is Spanish!!
Krista said…
you are right - great tuesday tidbits today!
Renee T. said…
I looked up the info on McKinney, Tx and that place looks wonderful!
Anonymous said…
Love onesie...Beckee
So many great tidbits in here! Rory never ceases to crack me up. And I loved the post on lenses. Bobblehead shots particularly. ;-)

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