Tuesday's Tidbits

Dark chocolate peanut butter cups from Trader Joe's are insanely delicious.

Camden has batting gloves this year, and he thinks they're the key to his success. Friday night when Gramps went over to tell him "good job" for his good hit, Camden said (before Gramps could get a word in), "that lousy hitting is all because I forgot to put my gloves on." And while it wasn't a lousy hit at all, the next one with the gloves on was pretty amazing.

Instead of celebrating Easter weekend, our days revolved around those 6 kittens. For 72 hours we fed them every 3 hours, and did you know kittens don't know how to pee or poop? That means you have to "stimulate" their bowels every time they eat. It was a whole lot of time with kittens. We found a family to foster them until they're old enough to be adopted so we gave them all baths, fed them one last time, and delivered them to their new home last night. While Brian and I silently celebrated in the front seat, the two kiddos in the backseat cried. And poor Camden was so upset about Frenchie all night last night. I promised to print him out a picture of her (he still has the picture of Cuddles up in his room). He has had it rough with pets!

I'm back on Addison duty this week, which is good because I kind of missed the little munchkin last week. And Rory is a fantastic helper. She loves to lay on the floor and talk to Addison, and if I'd let her, she'd totally change diapers and feed her.

My knees feel as if they've aged 20 years in the month since I started doing the 30-Day Shred. In fact, I took a break from it and my knees were feeling better until I took a walk that involved hills last night. I cannot. catch. a. break. in the weight loss department.

Of course, those peanut butter cups might have something to do with it.

And my current favorite scrap page. I don't always like the pages I scrap. In fact, there's one right now that I'm not going to even bother showing anyone I dislike it so much. But this one I love. (credits here)


I never heard what happened to Frenchie, and no, I didn't know that kittens didn't know how to pee or poop. How awful!
I'm really hoping this week is a little less eventful for you!
Krista said…
Aww- hope the kittens find families when they are ready. Interesting about their bowels...
I must visit this Trader Joes place!

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