Roller Coaster

Well, it appears as if Psalms 46 from Sunday was for us after all because last night we were asked to move out of our house May 23. Yes, as in less than a month from now. Obviously, the timing of this is less than ideal, and although we knew that it was a possibility, it stings a little. Okay, maybe more than a little. Transitioning seamlessly from Tennessee to Texas is clearly not going to happen, and if you know me well, then you realize that dealing with transition is most definitely not my strong point. In fact, not having a solid home base for our little family fills my heart with panic. I need routine, space, a plan, peace.

We're still planning to move to Texas, but because schools are still in the process of working out their needs for the upcoming school year and haven't started hiring, Brian is not yet employed by the Texas school system. I have confidence that God will provide a job, but it appears as if He's asking us to trust Him just a little bit more than is comfortable.  Again.

Life this year has been such a roller coaster. I'm kind of ready for it to settle down a bit. I am supremely grateful for the prayers God has answered this year, but I am so ready for a solid plan to be in place. I am wallowing a bit in the uncertainty tonight, but tomorrow morning I am going to try my darnedest to dry up the tears and keep trusting.

If your prayer list isn't full, please pray for us as we try to pack up, finish the school year, find somewhere to stay, and most of all for a job for Brian to open up in McKinney.


Yikes, I totally know what you mean about needing a stable home base. I will be praying for your family about this.
Joy said…
Unbelieveable that you are being asked to move so soon. I wish you could hang out at our house, but we won't even close on it until after you have to move out. : (. Praying for you guys. I know how important stability and a home base can be and I hope you have it again very soon. Praying Brian has job offers rolling in and you find the perfect place in McKinney.
Lindsey Carney said…
Praying for you guys!
OH NO.... sending some prayers your way that it will all work out and SOON! ugh...
Anonymous said…
I feel caught up on your blog now...thankful your surgery went well and there was nothing new there! I would feel the same way you are feeling about your house. Praying for that job!
Amy said…
Wow! May 23? I'm sorry it's all happened so fast and will be praying that the Lord will open the right doors for a house and Brian's job. Wish I lived close so I could help you pack. I'm sure Rory would keep Lukas entertained! :)
Oh my goodness!!! That is shocking and hurtful! Wow. I am a homebody by nature, so I can empathize with the need for a home base. I'm so sorry. That happens to be my birthday though, so I'll make sure to have a wish or two on your behalf when I blow out the candles.

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