Friday Photo Dump

Woke up this morning feeling so much better than the previous days since surgery. I can feel myself winding down already (at only 9 a.m.) but it's so nice to feel the end might be in sight.

Our weekend plans include 3 baseball games, 1 soccer game plus soccer pictures as well as a fund raising service. Here's hoping we can squeeze in some packing in the midst of that. We're considering using a Pod and letting them store and deliver our stuff for us because it's looking as if we're probably not going to try to rent an apartment since we hope it will only be 4-6 weeks. Anyone have experience with Pods? Still trying not to panic about this whole thing. I've appreciated the Scripture my friend Alicia sent me - Hebrews 1:8 " faith, Abraham, when called to go to a place, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going..." as well as the devotions that have "coincidentally" happened during my daily reading.

And the photo dump.

This one just cracked me up. So typical Camden.

Brian and the rest of the family participated in the March of Dimes walk last Sunday. Brian made me stay at home and rest.



My mom was determined that was my dad was going to have cupcakes, not that we minded. Brian and I picked them up on the way home from the hospital Monday. Priorities, people.

Camden's school is having a missions fundraiser, and he asked if he could empty his piggy bank to donate. So typical Camden, and I love how blurry-eyed he is here first thing in the morning. This is his little piggy bank from when he was a baby.


My mom is one of those busy people who never stops to smell the roses. We told her it was perfectly okay to just sit and hold Addison while she sleeps.


Surprise, surprise, Rory thought it was too bright outside. My kids both like to act as if they're allergic to sun.

Out of focus, but her little face cracked me up.

And Camden on his way to a field trip today. He was SO excited.


so glad you're starting to feel better!
So many things to love in here... one, you feel better! Two, these photos!!! Three, that there are plans being made for the move, which is good for mental well-being. (I have not used PODS, but several people in our hood have... I totally would do that if we ever get to move.)

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