
Well, it's certainly been an eventful couple of days for the Lewis family. Thursday we got the news that my CA125 is still stable, and I get to have another 3 months of no chemo. Frenchie, our cat, also had kittens for the first time. Camden, who is such an animal lover, was ecstatic. He kept saying, "Frenchie is a mother!"

Friday was a day off school for Brian and Camden so we spent the day together, had lunch at 5 Guys, frozen yogurt at Sweet CeCe's, visited Costco for the first time, and Camden won his first baseball game of the year Friday night.

Unfortunately, when we returned home from the baseball game, Frenchie was missing. Her kitties were snuggled up - it was actually as if Frenchie had rearranged the blankets to protect them. Brian spent several hours searching for Frenchie and then made a trip to Walmart at midnight (anyone remember we don't actually live near a Walmart?) in search of kitty formula. At 6 a.m. he got up and took Rory to Tractor Supply to find bottles then called the vet for kitty info immediately followed by a funeral for Frenchie. No, I'm not kidding.

The rest of the morning was spent trying to feed 2 day old kittens who only wanted their mama. They are kinda pitiful, and poor Camden is heartbroken about Frenchie. Rory doesn't seem to be too upset - mostly keeps asking what she looks like dead.

Since my scar tissue has decided to make one last appearance before surgery on April 23, I let Brian be in charge of taking the kids to the Easter egg hunt this afternoon while I made cupcakes, called cat rescues, and camped out on the couch with my body bean. No luck finding someone to take the kittens.

Tomorrow we're visiting Brian's parents at their new church then having dinner together as well as another egg hunt.

Oh, and tonight? We're having a wiener roast complete with s'mores. And did I mention these kittens are supposed to be fed every 2-3 hours. Around the clock. Whew. I'm tired!

Had no idea this would be the last picture I took of Frenchie.

Trying to feed them. Thank goodness they've gotten the hang of things after many, many tries.

With their loot.

This is one cute cupcake egg!


Monica said…
So sorry about Frenchie!
Elizabeth Frick said…
Poor Frenchie. You guys are doing an amazing job - not everyone would just up and start bottle-feeding six kittens. Hang in there and let me know if I can help at all!
Oh, that's so sad about Frenchie! I'm sorry.
And wow, I'm impressed with the bottle feeding of all the kittens!
Krista said…
The poor kittens! Good luck with them.

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