The Year of the Dragon

Taking it easy on this Lunar New Year after a stormy day (figuratively speaking) yesterday followed by very stormy night (literally speaking). As usual, we don't have too much planned for Lunar New Year, but I am cooking Asian food tonight (not specifying Korean because that wouldn't be quite correct) and I've got this printable dragon mask ready for the kids after school. Maybe I'll even drag out the hanbok and attempt Rory pictures - something I've been *planning* to do for oh, the last 4 years.

(ETA: My friend Christine has this super cute dragon printable as well - I'm  going to print it and let the kids do both.)

And one quick picture - this is what our mornings look like. I get the kids up at 6:45, they drag themselves (or I carry Rory) into the living room and as they wake up we read our morning scripture and devotions then have a quick prayer for the day. As much as I hate mornings, I kind of love those first few minutes where they're so drowsy and sweet.


And the best part of my Lunar New Year? The family photo Rory's foster family posted on Facebook. Love.


What a sweet, sweet way to start your morning!
I love this photo of the kiddos... so sweet! Happy New Year! (And you know I hope you took photos of the masks... right?!)

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