Wednesday's Adventures

Rory and I spent Wednesday furiously racing around Nashville trying to fit in a whole bunch of fun things into one day. We started off at Target where I tried not to bankrupt us with all the good things on sale. I managed to resist everything but the essentials such as K-cups, socks for Camden, bottled water, and more K-cups (what can I say? they were on sale!). We visited the library, then raced to the hospital to see Addison. I completely took advantage of valet parking so that we didn't have to walk in the cold rain. Best idea ever. After the hospital was a visit to Trader Joe's, which is always a highlight except this time I resisted all treats and stuck strictly to organic essentials. It was hard to leave those chocolate covered potato chips in the store, but they managed to stay out of my cart.

After Trader Joe's we met my friend Tina for lunch at 5 Guys where I had a minor breakdown at the thought of sending my body into a gallstone attack because of the burger and fries. Thankfully, I seem to be fine.

After lunch was the really big event: a haircut, my first since May 14 when Alicia (my hairstylist for the past 8 years) shaved it off. I am someone who loves a good visit to the salon, although it is significantly less enjoyable when there is a child (coughcoughRorycoughcough) who refuses to stop asking questions even during a blissful scalp massage.

When I posted about this on Facebook, everyone immediately started asking for pictures, and I feel slightly embarrassed about it for several reasons. First, you should realize that the longest I've been without a haircut is 12 weeks and that's when I was growing it out for Locks of Love. I am freakishly concerned with split ends/bad hair, etc. so I never forget to schedule my next haircut. Yes, she cut alot more than you would have imagined off my hair yesterday but because I haven't posted a picture in the last month or so, I realize that this picture makes it look as if my hair is exactly the same as here. I promise it really had grown and that it actually has some semblance of a shape after Alicia's attention. I still totally look like a boy, however.

And this was the best I could do because Rory can't handle the camera yet, and it was already dark and raining when Brian got home.



Look at the size of this girl's hand! We're convinced she's going to be tall like her daddy based on the size of her hands and feet. Elizabeth is a shortie like me.

She's up to 3 lbs 13 oz, and hopefully gets to move out of the incubator into a normal bed this weekend. That means no more shooting through plastic for me! Oh, and it means unlimited holding for her mama and daddy.

Aunt Becky made Addison this cute bunting to decorate her area.

I seem to have passed on my nasty cold from last week to Rory. Unfortunately for Brian, I am flying to Oklahoma tonight (hurray for me, though!). Unfortunately, because Rory can be kind of a bear when she's sick, and she is a mama's girl on a good day, but when she's sick, she's glued to me. The good news is that despite the fever/coughing/snot, she woke up happy, sassy, and bossy as usual this morning so I am hopeful that it will just be a cold and not develop into her usual respiratory/asthma type situation.

And because I'm completely chatty this morning, another fun thing I got to do yesterday was visit a great coffeeshop. They use locally grown beans and roast right there in the store. It's located in east Nashville, which is kind of hip and yuppie-like so I didn't feel cool enough to pull out my camera and take a picture, but the Peppermint Patty Mocha that I ordered was close to the best cup of coffee I've ever had. For all my local friends, go visit Bongo Java.

And that, my friends, is all she wrote. I'll be in Oklahoma for the next 5 days and may or may not be posting. I've got at least one picture post scheduled so maybe the blog won't be too lonely.


Lori said…
I so love your blog. Your writing, your pictures, and your journey keep me coming back. Praying for you! I love the hair and you look so beautiful in the picture that shows your blue eyes. And your children are so precious! Blessings to you! OH and chocolate covered potato chips are about the best thing ever!!! You were so good to keep them out of your cart.
Louise Lewis said…
The hair cut is deffinetly you! So becoming, brings out beautiful facial features and yes those blue eyes. Recommend you keep the style.
Krista said…
Have a great few days away! And love the pixie style on you - really makes your eyes pop!
KrisJ said…
LOVE the whole post!! And girl embrace the boy cut.. yours looks pretty close to mine actually and I LOVE yours!!!! Also I think you might just have the most gorgeous skin and eyes Ive ever seen!
Have a great time!!
Monica said…
First haircut since chemo...whooohooo! Congratulations! But your 2nd pic made me laugh...the way you've cocked your eyebrows look like your nephews when Becky has pestered them for one too many pictures!
And chocolate potato chips...seriously? My brain can't even comprehend that!
YIPPPEEEE for a haircut!!!! I'm so excited for you! It looks fabulous! (As someone who also wears a boy cut... it's so easy! So love it while you have it!)

And a few days away!? Bliss! Enjoy it!
Amy said…
Your hair looks great! I would love to wear my hair that short but not sure I could get away with it. I just don't think I have the face shape for it. Have a fabulous time at Becky's!
Renee T. said…
enjoy your time away :)

You, my friend, do NOT look like a boy. The hair is chic and your eyes are too, too beautiful. Have a fabulous trip!

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