Tuesday's Tidbits

Ever since we saw The Addams Family a couple of weeks ago, Rory has been singing the theme song (yes, the one you remember from your childhood) non-stop. And she thinks that because we were at the same theater that they played the same music for Wicked. So I introduced her to Defying Gravity. Unfortunately, it hasn't made her stop singing The Addams Family theme song.

Camden and I both had long over-due eye appointments yesterday. Camden's eyes had changed drastically (which we suspected) and the doctor told us that he has an increased risk of retinal detachment and that we should reconsider any plans for karate or boxing. Ha! Like Camden would ever choose a sport that might possibly involve injuries. LOL

I'm sure lots of my adoptive parent friends have seen this video, but if not, you should watch it. Katherine Heigle (actress) and her husband Josh Kelley (singer) adopted a little girl from Korea, and this is a sweet song he wrote about their journey. And that is one cute little girl.

I made this Kung Pao Chicken recipe (or Cookin' Po Chicken if you're Rory) last night for supper, and it was amazing. So full of flavor, and the kids are already requesting to have it again. I actually doubled the sauce and used cashews instead of peanuts. Seriously delicious.

Rory has discovered a certain female undergarment. Enough said. Actually, a picture might be better. She was helping me with laundry last night and I turned around and saw this. She said this was her pageant pose. That one episode of Toddlers and Tiaras is going to haunt me.


Rory and I are going to tackle Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred this morning. Wish us luck.


Vicky said…
That is a classic Rory photo- you have me totally giggling at that one. What a ham! Good luck with the Shred- I can barely get through a session on the treadmill these days- come on spring!
Karen said…
If it makes you feel better, I've caught Sam doing the same thing with *ahem* "boob covers."
Joy said…
Rory Lewis....you crack me up! : )
Oh my gosh... that last photo almost made me choke on my coffee!!! Awesome. (And I'm totally making that recipe... YUM!)
KrisJ said…
OMG that is to funny!! And I love that video, Ive had to watch it a few times!
Rory belongs on the stage!! She is a total ham!
Krista said…
I was pretty much in tears watching that video earlier this week! So precious (Alex is going to be her boyfriend you know).
I must try that Kung Pow Chicken!
Defying Gravity - one of my all time favourite songs after seeing Wicked.
And the bra shot... priceless.

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