Tuesday's Tidbits

Starting our back to school schedule on less than 3 hours of sleep might possibly affect my patience level.

Rory: Oh, man, my heart is pounding.
Brian: That's a good thing. We want your heart to beat.
Rory. No, I think Jesus is beating on it.

I have somehow managed to keep my psd and tiff files for all my scrapbook pages dating back to 2004 in one folder on my computer. Oh, yes, you read it right - 2004. You can imagine how bogged down that folder is. I've spent the last 2 days deleting those files (I've still got the printed layouts as well as the flattened jpgs). It has been quite a chore. Serves me right for letting it go for so long.

In my previous life, the employees at Baby Gap and Gymboree knew me by name. Now, the hospital registration and lab employees at Northcrest (where I go each Monday for bloodwork) know me by name. Kind of a strange trade-off.

Last night at supper I told Rory that Brian had carved the turkey. She and Camden both wanted to know what carving meant, so I told them it was just a fancy word for slice. She immediately said, "Mommy! You are just like Fancy Nancy!" In case you don't know Fancy Nancy, her books are filled with phrases like, "My favorite color is fuschia. That's a fancy way of say purple."

Rory had a little breakdown when she realized that she was not going to get to see or hold Addison for several weeks. She has so been looking forward to having her own live baby to play with. I told her we would have plenty of time to hold and play with her and Camden piped up with, "and you know she's the only baby you'll find me playing with."

And speaking of Addison, can I just say that one positive to come out of the emergency c-section is that we don't have to answer any more of those pesky questions about how the baby was going to get out of Aunt Liz's belly. :)

How many of you have husbands who would completely take down the Christmas tree and put away all decorations while you're at the grocery store? Cause mine did. Thank you, Brian Lewis!

I would say that winter has finally arrived to Tennessee since our highs yesterday and today are only in the 30's, but by the end of the week it's supposed to be upper 50's again. I realize I should not complain about sunny and 50's, but I like a seasonal change and we haven't had much of winter yet.

Remember Shannon Miller, the Olympic gymnast? I think I linked to her site before after discovering that she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 2 months prior to my own diagnosis. Someone linked to this video she posted when she lost her hair, and I thought it was interesting. I didn't cry when my own head was shaved, but I did shed a few tears for her. Video here.

While I was working on those old files, I ran across this picture from February 23, 2007 of Camden and his cousin Cheyenne. (Apparently, I was liked using oddly colored photo actions back then.)


And I decided to go ahead and scrap it using Things That Matter Most from TLP.


And my first two pictures of 2012.


I guess Camden and I didn't get the crazy face memo.


Clearly I am in a photo action phase because I used the same one here as I did for Camden and Rory's Christmas pictures: Florabella Luxe Milk with opacity reduced to about 50%. Settings were f4, 1/320 SS, and ISO 640. It was late afternoon with cloud cover, and I wanted the aperture high enough to make sure we were all in focus thus the higher ISO. You'd think I'd learn my lesson regarding using photo actions after seeing the old picture of Camden and Cheyenne, but this time I kept the original so I can always go back to a clean finish if I decide this action dates the picture.


I think Rory telling you that you are like Fancy Nancy must be a huge compliment from her!!!
My husband took down the tree and put it away while I was shopping last Saturday. It was a wonderful surprise! Looks like we both got good ones.
Anonymous said…
Love the new family photo!!!
Anonymous said…
I, too, love the new photo, Melissa!
Gma E.
Joy said…
Okay, you made me snort over the comment about "how does the baby come out"! Definitely dodged that one! LOL! Hope they are both still doing well and Rory gets to see her soon.

Love the new family photos - and the actions. ; ) And, maybe that was Camden's crazy face?!?
Oh man... those two family photos are awesome! I love the change in expressions! ;-) And go Brian on the clean-up!!
Renee T. said…
Hey Fancy Nancy...I'm loving the new family pics :)

Vicky said…
I heart you :) The blue and the eyes and the brown and the just right opacity- love! And your hair- looking so full again :)

Maybe its a cancer thing? My husband rocked it putting the tree and decorations away too!! In fact he emptied the dishwasher this morning and I nearly fell over...

And I love that carve is now fancy for slice :)
Amy said…
That new family picture is amazing!!
Krista said…
Brian is a star! I don't think my husband put a single decoration up or took one down :(
Elizabeth Frick said…
We're BIG Fancy Nancy fans in these parts too!
Love the family photos - you guys look radiant!

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