Thousand Gifts 960-1,000

When I started reading One Thousand Gifts last January and started this list, I could never have imagined what 2011 would hold for our family. But it was God's plan for my life that I begin this journey because this list has made such a difference. He knew that my naturally pessimistic self would not survive 2011. I needed something to turn my focus from the negative; to learn how to be thankful in the midst of hard times. I'm not going to pretend that I've mastered this, but it is something I'm committed to continuing. I don't know that I'm necessarily going to keep up a numbered list, but I am going to continue my list each Monday.

And if you haven't read One Thousand Gifts, I would encourage you to read it this year. The writing style is very poetic and beautiful. I prefer a writing style that is a little more straight forward, but the principles are so good and so worth learning.

961. the sight of Rory laying flat out on the floor because she's laughing too hard to stand
962. coming out of the fog
963. gingerbread houses
964. lab workers at the hospital on Christmas Eve
965. riding alone in the car singing Christmas carols
966. Eric Ripert's French accent
967. David Crowder band Carol of the Bells
968. "Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you." Psalms 63:3
969. surprising the kids with a late night trip to see Christmas lights on Christmas Eve
970. "And I will be to her a wall of fire all around, declares the Lord, and I will be the glory in her midst.'" Zech. 2:5
971. kisses from Camden (these had disappeared from our schedule for a couple of years, but they're back)
972. hearing Camden read the Christmas story
973. merry and bright Christmas dress for Rory
974. restaurants that are open on Christmas Day so I don't have to cook
975. spending Christmas with family
976. how patient the kids were as we waited to open presents
977. beautiful weather in December
978. "I will give great thanks unto Jehovah with my mouth; Yea, I will praise him among the multitude." Psalms 109:30
979. pain medicine
980. lots of pain medicine
981. sleeping on the couch (no, really - I've recently discovered it's kind of comfortable)
982. feeling a little relief
983. safe arrival of Addison
984. Elizabeth's health
985. Dr. T
986. insurance approving CT scans
987. reassuring phone call from Dr. T at the end of a long day
988. a CA125 level of 16
989. that the CA125 has gone down twice in a row
990. a wonderful night of sleep after a long day at the hospital
991. no surgery!
992. my first glimpse of Addison - so precious
993. being able to see my parents and brother, even just for a day
994. cake balls
995. a relaxing Saturday morning
996. finishing up Project 365
996. watching The Help with Brian
997. sitting in the dark watching the tree lights flicker
998. watching the kids play Just Dance
999. feeling comforted even when circumstances are hard
1000. One Thousand Gifts


Mandy said…
I have loved reading your Thousand Gifts over the past year, I am setting the goal of my own Thousand Gifts list for 2012...
Wow! You rock. I'm so impressed by this list!
Amy said…
I've enjoyed your list so much this year! I started a list last year but it fell by the wayside once Lukas came home. I'm committed to starting and finishing this year!
Krista said…
How much can happen in 365 days. Way to go in keeping the list going through the tough year you have had.
Love the final 40.

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