Well, we are certainly celebratory on this Martin Luther King Day (insert varying degrees of sarcasm here). Brian is hard at work on lesson plans, and I am working on about 5 loads of laundry. The kids, however, are having a great time. They've been creating with moon dough and play dough for the last 2.5 hours.  To encourage their competitive spirit (a.k.a. sibling rivalry) Brian has promised to make an art gallery and judge their work this afternoon. 

Camden's first creation (not sure how we're going to hang this on the wall)


We had a nice weekend which involved all my favorite football teams losing (seriously, all 4 games) as well as purchasing not only a new can opener, but a new iron. Exciting, right?

Rory's cold never developed into anything, thank goodness, and I felt better by Sunday. Unfortunately, last night I seem to have developed a new strain of that cold despite my current habit of incessant hand washing to get rid of all unwanted germs. My voice currently sounds a bit like an old cranky man. I've turned kid duty over to Brian as a result (which is why he's got the art gallery competition going on as well as making behavior charts for them both - maybe I should put him in charge more often). I'm going to fold laundry, drink lots of coffee (which just might be contributing to my sleepless nights) and take lots of cold medicine.

Pics of the kids and Grandma after church yesterday.


Happy Martin Luther King Day!


Joy said…
Hey! We are "celebrating" laundry here too! Looks like we wore ALL our clothes in one week - wowzers! Rory and Sumner should be together right now. Sumner is making play dough cookies. : )

We did paper chore charts for a few months and then found iAllowance on the iPad. It's great! Look it up! The kids like checking off their chores and you can reward with money or special time rewards (ice cream, wii time). The kids love it so far!!
Renee T. said…
beautiful pictures of Grandma with the kids :)
Hope you are feeling better very soon! Camden's play doh creation is pretty impressive!
Elizabeth Frick said…
Hmm... I'm going to need to investigate this moon dough business...
Oh man, I'm sorry you are sick! I'm fighting something too (and losing I believe) and I blame the crazy weather for it all. I mean 60 degrees in New England in January?! So wrong...

I love Camden's creation... WOW!!!
Vicky said…
Hope you can fight off the cold and feel better quickly! I think its pretty cool the kids were inspired by the art contest and are creating pieces for it! My kids still love to do projects to this day but its quite an effort to just get them to sit down to do it :)

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