I Think They Love Each Other

I love that you can see her smiling behind the mask.
Thank you, Christine, for the masks!


They posed for the obligatory picture. First one out of the camera is this.

But this was all on their own.

Good thing I kept clicking.


You just can't fake these kind of smiles.

50mm 1.4 lens, f3.2, 1/200 SS, 400 ISO - they didn't really need editing, but I ran Paint The Moon's Jubilee action at 20% opacity for fun.


Krista said…
Yes - yes they do!
Happy New Year!
April said…
Those are the best moments to catch on camera!
I love the way Camden is looking at Rory in the last picture!!!
I'm so glad you kept clicking too!!! There are some beautiful photos here!!! And you KNOW I love those first two!!! LOVE!

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