An Award

Thanks to Christine and Grace for this little award!

I feel as if I've done a few of these posts over the years, and I'm having trouble remembering if these are "new" things, but here goes anyway.

1. While others may have spent their teen years idolizing Michael Jackson, Tom Cruise, or New Kids on the Block, mine was all about Michael Jordan. I watched all the games, read the books, dreamed of meeting him, decorated my college dorm room in red, black, and white (seriously). And it didn't stop with my teen years. Brian and even watched two play-off games during our honeymoon.

2. I play the piano (did anyone besides those who go to my church know that?). I have probably 100+ piano books, and I still love to get new ones. And when I do, I always start at the end and work my way towards the front. That makes no sense, but it's what I do.

3. At this very moment in my everyday purse, I have 9 tubes of lipgloss, 8 tubes of lipstick, 2 chapsticks, 2 containers of eyedrops, and 2 bottles of hand lotions. That does not count various other lipsticks/glosses in other purses and in my make-up drawer. That's embarrassing, right?

4. I've had a love for coffee (well, coffee-flavored desserts anyway) for many years and have had a morning cup for the last few years. But that "cup" of coffee was generally about 1/4 of a small pottery cup. Finally, at the age of 36, I have become a grown-up. I now finish an entire cup of coffee. I may have to warm it up over the course of several hours, but I finish it.

5. I am horrifically bad at playing with my kids. I have absolutely no imagination.

6. I am very, very unorganized at home. I am sure my mom shudders in horror every time she opens a cabinet. Or sees our basement.

7. I would happily wear black or varying shades of gray every day of the week if I thought I could get away with it.

Whew. Passing this on to:

Becky (DerbyDoos)
Brooke (The Red Pumpkin)

And a picture from the week before Christmas. I found the Halloween costumes I bought after Halloween for $2.50. They were good for hours of fun.


Joy said…
LOL! It's nice to know someone drinks coffee like I do! How many times do you have to warm yours? I think I "nuke" the taste out of mine. ; )

Love the contents of your purse. Mine would be 9 packs of travel tissues though. Never seem to have enough Kleenex. And Chapstick never leaves my sight. I'm addicted.
Renee T. said…
I love that silly Spiderman pic of the kids! So fun!

(And... my basement is a dumping zone for all the junk we don't want in the house- I really need to rent a dumpster and just throw away half of the stuff that's currently in the basement...but, really, when would I find some time or motivation for that???)
I love that picture of the kids and thank you for the award!
You must have a very, very large purse, my friend!!!
Anonymous said…
I lol about the chapsticks and lipsticks in your purse. So funny in a good way! And no, I didnt' know you played the piano. Cool.
I love the contents of your purse! So fun. I need to have two "burt's bees" in every room. It's slightly obsessive... but it could be worse?! No?! And I'm right there with you on the organization. Maybe we could have weekly post of a photo of one of our worst areas?! It would either embarrass us into movement or make us feel better... I'm not sure which. (I think I'm joking here.)

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