The Addams Family

We had so much fun Friday night at our little celebration dinner and then the trip to the theater to see The Addams Family. It was really fun to look over at Camden and see him laughing (pretty sure the few inappropriate jokes went right over their head). Rory really paid attention much more than I anticipated and was able to repeat the story line back to us after it was over. In fact, as we're driving down the interstate at 11:00 p.m., she didn't stop talking the entire time. The first half was definitely better than the second, but it was a very fun evening.

No, I didn't bring my big girl camera with me, and, yes, I regret it.

I've always wanted to eat cannoli and Friday night, we did! It was as delicious as I've imagined.



Rory needed a booster seat because she doesn't weigh enough to hold the seat down. And then she ended up on my lap most of the time anyway (which was okay because there was no one behind us and we were in the handicap-accessible aisle, which means there was a ton of extra room).

I spent HOURS Thursday - Saturday working on getting my 2011 blog into a format that could be printed. I cannot believe how chatty I was. And how many pictures I posted. Still haven't exactly found the perfect way to print, but it did make me determine to stay on top of it this year so I don't have to do the whole year at once in January 2013.

For the last 35 weeks (yes, I counted) I've spent my Monday mornings at the lab getting bloodwork drawn. So this morning, as a matter of principle, I'm staying home and doing nothing. Well, nothing except a huge pile of laundry. And after 4 sleepless nights, it's about all I can manage anyway!

And twp scrapbook pages from this weekend:

Emily Merritt: Light the Way

Micheline Martin: Little Miss Attitude (retired)


Friday night looks so fun! (You never had a cannoli before that?! You've been denied!) I love that Rory chatted all about the show on the way home...

How did you convert your blog?! I need to do that. I think. If it's tedious, I won't. How's that for non-committment?!
that cannoli looks really yummy! Glad the kids enjoyed the show!

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