2012 Goals

It's only January 4, but I already feel like I've dropped the ball on this. Since it's still the first week of the new year, however, I'm going to consider myself on top of it.

1. Healthy eating plus exercise. While I would like to lose those 15 lbs I've gained back (of the original 30 I lost after surgery), mostly I just want my body to be as strong as it can be to fight cancer. I've decided I'm not going to agonize over the weight aspect because life is just too short. I will just continue to make healthier choices, make buying organic a priority (as I've been doing more and more over the last few months) and use my treadmill 3-4 times a week.

2. Find a food truck and eat. I'm not kidding about this one, but it's kind of funny since it follows the goal of healthy eating. ;)

3. Keep up with Project 365/Project Life (more on this later today).

4. Read more parenting books. And then actually try to remember what I read. Between my speed reading tendencies and the inability to focus due to chemo, I read alot of books (both fiction and non-fiction) but rarely can remember a thing about them a week later.

5. Work on having more patience with the kids. This probably needs no explanation.

6. More individual time with Brian and Camden (Rory gets her fair share since she's still at home with me). Between Brian's two jobs, taking care of me after chemo, and having two kids, Brian and I do not get the chance to connect nearly as often as I'd like. And with Camden, he's gone at school then comes home and plays/reads/does homework, etc. But as he gets older, I don't want to lose that bond we have. Although, let me just say. He's 8 and 1/2, and boys are just cut from a different cloth than this girl.

7. Make the most of the remaining months I have at home with Rory before she goes to school in the fall. I am sure that I'm not the only mother to feel slightly insane at the sameness of it all day after day, but I am going to try harder to take advantage of having her with me at all times.

And just in case I ever start to feel good about my photography, here are a few pictures from yesterday.

Any ideas how to possibly take a picture of a preemie baby with a glow in the dark blue light illuminating her body? In an incubator?


I made Rory stop on our walk back to the car (in the frigid cold!) after visiting Michael, Liz, and Addison at the hospital.

Rory at the dentist office this morning. Yep, another gem. I might be upset at the picture, but I'm too excited that she didn't have any cavities.

And in keeping with my #1 goal for 2012, I'm having some hot chocolate. Failing miserably already. And I don't really care. ;)


Renee T. said…
the hot choc looks delicious.....
KrisJ said…
LOVE your goals! And I LOVE that pic of your hot chocolate.. simple pleasures!
That hot chocolate picture makes me want to run downstairs and do the same!!

And seriously... any time in the first month counts for posting your goals! I'm right there with you.

(And yes, please update on the Project 365/Project Life... I feel adrift and need guidance!)
Oh, you have SO not dropped the ball on the goals! I'm still contemplating mine. :)

Your number 2 made me laugh!

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