Thousand Gifts 261-296

To put it simply, Cycle #2  is kicking my tail. Friday I didn't feel too bad, just had no energy. Saturday I managed to get out of the house, but Sunday and Monday, I am camped out on the couch battling nausea and fatigue. I've never felt this way in my life, and I am really hoping this isn't the new normal because it's just bad. I feel guilty that I can't take care of the kids; honestly, I can barely tolerate their chatter and giggles because I feel so sick, and I hate it. I am determined to wake up better tomorrow.

261. finding square scarves in the $1 bin at Walmart
262. Camden and Rory both being fine with my bald head
263. calm in the midst of it all
264. the reminder that life is full of seasons and that seasons are God's reminder that things change,  that there will be trials, and that out of trials come beauty
265. blue, blue sky peeking through heavy clouds
266. that losing my hair wasn't as bad as I thought
267. for extra time in the mornings
268. for 4 good days in a row
269. Java Chip Frappucinos
270. for my dad being here
271. for carry-out and date night
271. for grandparents that enjoy a field trip with an almost-8 year old
272. for friends showing up at church unexpectedly
273. for security
274. for the sound of Camden and Rory singing in the back seat along with Lincoln Brewster
275. Getting to spend time with Becky
276. Good blood work results
277. The peace and quiet that comes when the kiddos spend the night at Gram and Gramps house
278. Watching the little curly blonde-haired cherubic boy try to figure out how to buy a newspaper using money from his leather man-bag
279. prayers from Brian's school family
280. Watching the rain fall from the 4th floor chemo room, and seeing the sun return
281. tears and laughter with Becky
282. Camden's sweet, sweet spirit lately
283. new friends in the chemo room
284. Rory sitting on the couch, picking up my hand, and asking to pray with me
285. Staying up late dreaming about redecorating projects and measuring fabrics with Becky
286. lemonade
287. fresh flowers
288. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
289. Camden's excitement over reading the Bible on his own
290. Carried Away Bath & Body Works lotion
291. new scarves from a friend
292. the opportunity to help someone else
293. for Brian's patience
294. for the opportunity to declutter
295. laundry done, clean bathrooms, and meals in the freezer thanks to Becky
296. for my iPad (I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but it's such a lifesaver in these down days)


Mayme said…
I am so sorry that you are feeling so bad. You are in my constant thoughts and prayers. I love you guys.
Elizabeth Frick said…
#278 mystifies me... and I like it!
I'm sorry that you're feeling so badly this time around! And yet you're seeing the beauty in life. Strength revealed in different ways :)
joelsgirl said…
Girl, you will not feel guilty for being too sick to take care of your kids! You ARE sick, and when you're well, you'll go back to being supermom. For now, let your kids enjoy a little tv time and just rest. If I were there, I'd say that while I tucked you into your bed and I supervised the watching of tv, but alas, I'm just too far away. ; )
Amy said…
I'm sorry you are feeling so bad this time. I'm constantly praying for you and hope tomorrow is a much better day!
Grace said…
i'm so sorry you are not feeling well, but i just love this list and the joy and gratitude you are continuing to find. i love your heart!
I really hope that these past few days were a fluke. And please, please, please do not feel guilty about not being supermom when you don't feel well. Use all that energy to heal instead, ok?!
Shelly said…
Hope today has gone better for you! LOVE reading these Thousand Gifts posts! Your strength inspires me!
Praying for the yuckies to leave you and for strength and wellness to return.

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