Thousand Gifts 237-260

Despite my chemo treatment and discomfort on Thursday, I've felt pretty good the last several days. Friday we got out and did a little grocery shopping as well as resuming our Friday night at the Mexican restaurant tradition with the kids (yes, I paid for that little escapade later LOL). Saturday was very cold and rainy so we stayed inside (and napped) and then my mom and I met Liz in Nashville and shopped for scarves (for me) and purses (for mom). We then had supper at The Cheesecake Factory, which is SO yummy if you've never been. Sunday was church, and I was able to attend all 3 services for the first time in several weeks. I continue to be so grateful that I am handling these treatments so well. Many of the others who are undergoing the same treatment seem to be having a much harder time in terms of fatigue and being able to function. Granted, my mom is here and has been wonderful to take care of housework and laundry. I know our household would not be functioning so smoothly without her.

And say farewell to my new short hair because it officially started falling out this morning. I have an appointment with my hairstylist tomorrow to do something drastic.

237. chemo treatments
238. no allergic reaction to chemo drugs
239. the sweet spirit in the chemo room
240. comfortable recliners
241. wireless internet
242. my pink purse
243. Mother's Day with my mom
244. homemade cards from the kiddos
245. an annual park trip on Mother's Day
246. bowling
247. new dresses
248. breakfast with a friend
249. orange scones
250. Lamentations 3:22-23, Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
251. an unexpected evening of beautiful music
253. magnolia trees
254. Krispy Kreme donuts
255. girl's night with Liz and Mom
256. Sunday School, church, and Sunday night all in one day
257. Camden's whispered "please help me, God"
258. fresh strawberries
259. the bank lady who said she was praying for me (there are certain advantages to living in a small community where everyone knows your business)
260. my hair 


Is it wrong that I'm really excited to see what your drastic look is!? BTW - You are looking FABULOUS these days... I'd never guess what you are undergoing.
Even though you knew you were going to lose your hair, it must still be very hard to have it happening. I'm sorry about that....but thankful that you are feeling better than you expected!
KrisJ said…
Girl my heart breaks for you. I wish we could talk in person so that I could cry with you because for as positive as we are all trying to be and dang you are awesome at it it sucks!! We ladies like our hair so I know its gotta suck. So even though your handling it like a champ and I know you are going to be the most beautiful bald lady ever, I still hurt for you!
Thinking and praying for you.. hope treatments continue to go well and the after effects also!
Anonymous said…
Hey, you gotta post your new look, ok?
Gma E.
Elizabeth Frick said…
Oooh, I saw fresh strawberries in your list! Those are the best.
May I join you in your rejoicing that you're feeling better than expected? That has got to be one of the best blessings amidst all that you're going through. Your spirit must be unbelievably strong.

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