Photo Dump

This post is what my friend Elizabeth calls a photo dump. Lots of random pictures that don't necessarily deserve a post of their own.

He's just so darn cute.

This blooper picture just completely cracked me up when I saw it.

I received a package in the mail from Christine on Friday, and I just smiled the entire time I opened it. This is her long distance version of a homecooked meal - everything we need for Korean BBQ. Is that not a clever idea? And it was even packaged in a cute box, which doesn't surprise me in the least.

Brian's grandparents have been in town for a visit this past week. We haven't seen them for several years so the kids have grown quite a bit since the last time they were here.

Brian's Uncle Larry with the kids.

And Grandma, Grandpa, and Camden after his field trip Friday. Camden came home tired, but very happy. Notice the red lips from his 24 oz. cherry slushy that he refilled at least once. Grandma and Grandpa came home very tired and sunburned. I think the entire first grade class spent the 5 hours at the zoo running at breakneck speed while the adults tried to keep up.

Camden's baseball team has had a fantastic season. They are undefeated except for a certain pesky Cub team. Camden's good friend Dawson (and his parents are our friends from church) plays for the Cubs. The Cubs are undefeated 2 years in a row and we played the Cubs for the last time Friday night. It was a really fantastic game and Camden's Mudcats almost won. In the end we lost, but the kids, coaches, and parents were really happy that they had played so well and that they had so much fun doing it. The Cubs coach gathered both teams on the field and told him how proud he was of them and that we'd given them a run for their money. I thought it was quite classy of him. He even handed out a game ball to one of our players. Makes for good childhood memories. Camden is #15, almost center in the picture.

And one final picture. Camden and Rory played together SO well Saturday. They laughed, cuddled, screamed with glee, and in general acted as if they loved each other. Camden even tucked Rory in for her nap! I'm not naive enough to think this is what the whole summer will look like, but maybe it will last for a few days anyway.


(Sigh) Don't you always feel better after a good photo dump? I love the blooper shot. Every time we take one of our family we get a bunch of great blooper shots that I end up liking better than the "good" one.
Elizabeth Frick said…
Yay for a photo dump!
What a fun package you got. Now I'm hungry...
And how cool that your kids still have some great-grandparents!
The cherry slushie lips CRACKED me up. I can totally visualize Camden on that much sugar :) Poor G&G
Joy said…
LOVE the first photo of Camden!
I know how your parents feel - I chased kindergarteners at the zoo and they were going so fast, I don't think I saw a single animal!
I love the picture of Camden and your parents. The way he is holding on to Grandpa's jeans is priceless.
Louise said…
I thought Rory was your run way model, but, Camden is a shoe in for it also. The camera and your children make for great pictures. Such beautiful children and wonderful parents.
KrisJ said…
I literally gasped when I saw that photo of Camden. And somehow, they kept getting better... I LOVE the shots of the kids with family. Especially the rosy lipped Camden. I was wondering what was up there. :-)
Grace said…
that picture of camden is A-dorable!!! and i love rory's sweet little smile!

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