Hurray for Unexpected Play Dates!

Camden and Rory just spent the last 4 hours playing outside with some church friends, and they have had the best time. It was also perfect because it allowed me to have a quiet morning/afternoon, which I kind of needed. 

Becky and Rory are getting ready to make homemade fudge rounds, which sound pretty awesome. Other than that, my day consists of laying around and trying to avoid being too nauseous. :) Oh, and I should definitely mention that summer has officially begun - today was Brian's last day of school!




Elizabeth Frick said…
Yay for summer and unexpected play dates!!!
playdates are the best!!!
Camdens' hair is starting to look more and more like Ethans. What do you guys think? Are you going to "shape it up" or let it grow out all "shaggy" aka what seems to be the new fad. Ethan really wants to the the "shaggy" look, but OMG he sweats like there is not tomorrow so not sure summer is the right time for it...
Grace said…
melissa, i know i say this all.the.time., but i cannot get over how gorgeous your children are! and yes, hooray for unexpected play dates!! especially when they take place in the sun!
Unexpected playdates are the only ones I can swing! :-)

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