Happy Mother's Day

Well, from a photography standpoint, today was an epic fail (see unfocused pictures below LOL). Why do I always place so much pressure on getting perfect pictures for these occasions? I really wanted beautiful pictures, because let's be honest: I'm not going to have hair much longer. BUT. It was a lovely day with church this morning, warm weather, bright sunshine, homemade chicken and dumplings (which are one of my favorites) for lunch not only with Brian's mom, but with my own mom, as well as my sister, a trip to the park, followed by an early bedtime for the kiddos and an episode of Top Chef with Brian and my mom. 

And I felt well enough for all of it. Seriously, seriously thankful for that. And seriously thankful for the blessing of having my mom with us today and the fact that I get to be Camden and Rory's mama.





Lindaq Balthrop said…
I think the pictures are wonderful. It was great seeing you this morning at church. The power of prayer is amazing. Who would have ever thought that you would have had 2 chemo treatments this past week. I'm keeping those prayers coming. Glad you have you mom and Liz here with you during this time. Oh and Camden and Rory are pretty blessed that God chose you to be their mom. Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day!
Elizabeth Frick said…
I LOOOOOVE these photos! Like I said on FB, you are all so photogenic!
I am so happy for you that you felt well enough to celebrate today. And to have family around makes it even better.
You are so strong, so beautiful, and certainly a person to admire.
Happy Mother's Day!
Becky said…
you look beautiful, Melissa!! i don't think that the pictures are a fail a bit. So thankful that Mom is with you and that you were able to have a good day, although I am sure you are exhausted. Happy Mother's Day!
well blurry pictures... not sure I was seeing what you were seeing! better than my NO pictures today LOL
Mayme said…
Look closely at your mom and you will see yourself in a few years! You look just like her.

You looked great this morning. Loved the dress.

I am glad your mom could be with you today to share Mother's Day. You are right, we are both very lucky to have the moms we have.

Love ya!
Joy said…
LOVE your dress! The photos are beautiful - how wonderful to be able to celebrate with both your mothers. Praises that you were feeling well enough to celebrate!! : )
Um...you look STUNNING!!! So glad you were feeling well enough, because homemade chicken and dumplings are where its at, girl!
Anonymous said…
the photos are wonderful!!!! i'm so glad you felt well enough for the day and that you were able to enjoy the company of so many of the amazing people in your life!
Thinking of you this week as you go in for #3.
These are BEAUTIFUL!!! (If you want a FAIL, try not taking any photos at all... ahem.) Sounds like a wonderful Mother's Day... and you certainly deserve that!
Barbara said…
You are looking gorgeous! I love your dress!
Shelly said…
Happy belated Mother's Day! I think the pictures are great! Where did you find your adorable dress? Glad you all had a wonderful day!
Well, I think these photos are beautiful! I'm so happy you felt well enough to have a great Mother's Day. Stay strong! Pray for you constantly.

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