Friday's Update

I promise that one of these days this blog will get back to regularly scheduled programming full of cute Camden and Rory stories and pictures. For now, you'll have to settle for an update on me.

I actually got some sleep last night, not a full night, but alot more than the previous nights. I don't feel good this morning, but I don't feel nearly as bad as I thought I would. Even managed to sit at the computer and scrap a page. It was so good to create something and find a distraction.

Rory had a sobbing episode late last night worried about me and just crying that she doesn't want me to lose my hair. She has become very fixated on this, and I would appreciate prayers for her to calm down and not worry.


And one last thing: Christine has created several new cards, and I think they are just BEAUTIFUL if you want to take a look. I've already downloaded the free Children's Day cards and printed them for the kids.

Okay, one more last thing. I posted a new sneak peek up on the photography blog earlier this week, and it's one of my favorite pictures ever if you want to take a look.


Elizabeth Frick said…
Poor Rory :( I can't even imagine how difficult it must be to work this all out in her little mind...
SO glad that you're feeling better than anticipated! I hope that continues.
And beautiful photo on your photography blog! Nothing like a smiling baby to make you feel better :)
Shelly said…
Will be praying for Rory... that's so sweet that she's worried about her Mommy! Glad to read the updates on you! We are all praying, so we want to know! Glad things are better than anticipated, and hope they stay that way!
Joy said…
Poor sweet Rory....loosing your hair may be the only part of your diagnosis she can "see" and relate to. Praying she understands it has to happen to make mommy better.

Glad things are going better than you expected and hope it stays that way! Prayers for you all!

Beautiful photo! I hope you continue to feel well enough to be behind the camera for more awesome shots.
Anonymous said…
Praying for you today. Hope today is not a bad one. Happy pre mothers day to you! You are definately a GREAT one!! Angel
I'll take as many updates on you as you are willing to share! I'm praying for Rory and sending her calming thoughts. It must be so hard for her to take in all of this "adult" stuff.

PS - the photo Angela took of you and the kiddos is AMAZING!!!

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