Family Night


What? Doesn't your family wear super hero costumes and wigs every night? Okay, actually we had a family night before chemo started and let the kids each choose an activity. Rory chose a parade for her babies (insert a whole bunch of Camden's eye-rolling here) and Camden chose a Wii bowling tournament. Ton of fun and hopefully a good family memory.


Joy said…
LOL! LOVE it!! : )
Hey--you look great as a blonde!
Elizabeth Frick said…
So, so fabulous. I LOVE this!
L.Lewis said…
Gosh! that strawberry blond sure does look great with your complection! Maybe you can try it later. Change is the spice of life!
Your smile tells us you are one special lady! God Bless all!
KrisJ said…
That is awesome! What a fun night!
Jammie said…
Hi Melissa, I just wanted to invite you to visit my blog at
I am a homeschooling, stay at home mom who has three beautiful children who were born in South Korea. My oldest son D is 12, my youngest son C is 10.8 and my daughter baby C is 3.5. I have been following your blog for several years and have enjoyed every minute of it.
Wendy said…
AWESOME! That sums up my thoughts on that. ;)
Russell said…
Love it.

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