Date Night

Last night was supposed to be date night for Brian and I (first time since Christmas I think), but after having 4 good days in a row, yesterday wasn't all that great. By the time Brian got home, I was worn out despite having done n.o.t.h.i.n.g. all day. We decided to grab some carry-out and try to catch up on Survivor. It's a well-known fact that I LOVE Survivor. I mean, seriously love Survivor. I know this is ironic considering the fact I could never actually participate in Survivor. You know Day 1 when they tell you to jump out of the boat and swim to shore? I'd quit right then and there. And I love Survivor the most when Boston Rob is playing. Yes, Brian is aware of my obsession and even enjoys him as well (although he doesn't get quite the same joy out of it that I do). So anyway, all that to say date night turned out pretty well after all. It was nice to have a few kid-free hours, relax, eat, and spend time with Brian. My parents had already planned to take Camden and Rory on their own date so we had the house to ourselves.

Oh, and if you're a fellow Survivor fan, please don't give me any Survivor finale results. I'm still under the false assumption that Boston Rob is going to win the whole thing. :) We have a couple of episodes left to watch.

My parents are on a field trip to the zoo with Camden and his first grade class today (heaven help them!) while Rory and I are enjoying a rare day alone. I've got the treadmill, cleaning the bathroom, making a fresh strawberry smoothie, and installing my new Photoshop Elements 9 on the agenda today. I find it funny that I just said Rory are enjoying a rare day alone. Two months ago, enjoying a day alone is all we did and now it feels like an occasion. Life sure can change quickly!

And look who's been scrapping this week!

Gina Miller Farmer's Market

Jenna Desai I Love Reading


Sahlin Studio My Happiness


Joy said…
We love Survivor too! I was a big fan of Matt since he was a Nashville boy, but you gotta love Boston Rob. Hope today is a better day - don't wear yourself out!
a night at home with no kids, take out , and Survivor?? I honestly can't think of much that is better than that!
I love Survivor, and no, I would NEVER want to play the game. Grant was a fave of mine this season, but I love Rob too!
Brenda Shearon said…
yeah, we drv Survivor every Wednesday and when the kids go to bed we watched it. I have to say I liked Grant, Matt (even though he was too nice to play the game)and Mike. I'm not a fan of Rob. How have you went all this time and don't know who won?:) Hope today is better for you!
I am so impressed that you have the focus and energy to scrap! You are just as much a Wonder Woman as your sister. I am praying for your strength and that you will have many good days.
Elizabeth Frick said…
YAY for Survivor!!! I used to not be a fan, but now I'm totally hooked. And I'm a complete Boston Rob fan too. So smart and sneaky, and yet, you just can't hate him.
Brenda Lewis said…
Seriously, you haven't had a date night since Christmas? You are way past due. Just let us know when.

Haven't kept up with Survivor this season. Looks like I've really missed out. You know your father-in-law would "survive" great and enjoy the challenge if it wasn't for dealing with the others! Ha!
Krista said…
sounds like nice and relaxing... and great pages too!
LOVE the pages!!! And, I'm so lame, but date night at home sounds like absolute bliss right now.

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