Cycle #2

Today I head back to Nashville to begin chemo #4, which officially starts my second cycle. In many ways it's easier this time because I know what to expect. It's also harder because I know what to expect, and believe me; despite the fact that I did better than expected, it's still not fun. I am hopeful that I'll manage this cycle as well as last time, but also trying to stay realistic as well.

My mom and dad went home Saturday, and I thought I was ready. I was ready for my mom to be able to go home to my dad (she's been here 5 out of the last 7 weeks) and I was ready to have some time with our family of 4, but I cried like a baby. There's something just so comforting about having your mom around, and it also struck me that despite the fact that it feels like forever, I'd only made it 2 weeks at that point. The thought of 5 months overwhelmed me. I quickly was able to return to only thinking of one day at a time, but it was a little bit of a breakdown.

Becky drove in yesterday, and I'm very happy to have her here for a couple of days. Rory is excited because Becky has promised to let her help cook, paint her toenails, and let her fix Becky's hair (I discovered this was a main reason she was so opposed to my not having hair LOL). We had a moment of crisis when Becky realized she'd forgotten at home the green nail polish she'd promised Rory, but maybe she'll be satisfied with the new blue polish I just bought. :)

Yesterday I sat and went through the cards I've received since my surgery. So many of you have sent not one or two, but several cards through these last 8 weeks. Tears streamed down my face as I read your encouraging words, and I just kept thinking how blessed I am to have friends like all of you. There just is no way to convey what it has meant to me.


And just as I was recovering from my weepiness from the cards, Brian came home from school with a package for me from his school family. It had 4 gifts inside to be opened with my next few chemo treatments, plus several notes. One of those notes had what has been my favorite scripture since a moment of personal spiritual crisis in college (crisis probably complete with high drama because it was college, after all). "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33


And not only did they send gifts (which they have done regularly), but the faculty and staff had prayer for me after school (which they have also done regularly). I am seriously blessed.


Mayme said…
Thinking about you today!
I sure hate that you have to go through this, but I am also glad that you are surrounded by such loving people!
Brenda Lewis said…
Praying for you today! It must be so encouraging that so many others are praying and thinking of you.
Alex said…
Thinking about you and praying for you today! What a blessing to have such encouragement and support!
Anonymous said…
Thinking about you as you start round #2. YOU are an encouragement to so many of us!
Joy said…
Praying for you as you start round #2. Hoping that you are still able to have those good days like you did with the last treatment. How wonderful to have a supportive and loving family like you do! Hope you and Becky get a little "girl time" while she's there. I'm sure Rory would share her nail polish with you too! : )

Thinking of you! You can do this!
Thinking of you today, and hoping it goes as well as it possibly can. It makes my heart swell to hear of all the love and support you have surrounding you... YOU certainly DESERVE it... YOU. ARE. AMAZING.
Laura said…
I have been reading every day and pray for you often. I am so excited about the Korean celebration that will be next March, because you will be there and you will be WELL! I am amazed daily by your strength in this process. I cannot imagine. You are doing so well. As I have said before(and told Joy to tell you) I am not far away if you ever need me to take the kiddos for a playdate or drive you to chemo.
One day at a time.....glad you are looking at it that way. :)
Prayers your way!
Anonymous said…
I have followed your blog. Am a fellow adoptive parent from the Holt BB with my son and daughter born in S.Korea. Your family is in my thoughts. Please know that there are so many people sending good wishes your way. Best of luck with staring round two.

Brenna said…
Keeping you in my prayers as you start round 2. Hugs!
Grace said…
i love that verse...praying for you as your start your second cycle!
Elizabeth Frick said…
Blessed? yes. Deserving of all this love and support? ABSOLUTELY!
I'm hoping things went really well, and I cannot wait to give you a long-awaited hug soon :)

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