Tuesday's Tidbits: Hospital Edition

Tornado warnings in a hospital are alot of fun. They piled all the patients up in the nurse's area and sent "visitors" to the cafeteria. Brian tried to convince them that he's been living here for almost a week and shouldn't be considered a visitor.

Clearly, no one but me on the 6th floor of Baptist Hospital has ever considered double hospital gowns so your business isn't hanging around for all to see. And the older they are, the less they seem to wear. Let me just say that I got an eyeful during the above-mentioned tornado warning adventure in the nurses area.

Question: How  much weight do you think it's possible to lose after 5.5 days of no food? Answer: 11 pounds. I have no idea what that's up to after 7 days and counting.

Question: Do you still feel hunger pains after 7 days? Answer: YES.

If you don't actually like people, it might not be a good idea to choose a career that requires you to serve people.

Well, I'd be lying if I said that yesterday was a shining moment in this ordeal. It's the first day that I haven't felt like I moved forward. I'm having some blood pressure problems and heart rate problems, and they finally decided they needed to put me on medication for it as well as having me take it easy yesterday so I spent the day in bed. Good news is that I actually got to swallow the pill instead of putting it through the IV. Bad news is that I had family in town to see me, and I honestly just couldn't do it. I spent the day in bed and the waterworks started early and fell hard. My session with the IV therapist turned into a counseling session. LOL Several other little things happened that I won't bore you with, but it wasn't my best day (or night).

Today, however, I got the all clear to not only ditch these hospital gowns and try wearing my own p.j.'s, but also to have some clear fluids that actually go into my mouth, not I.V. Seriously so happy.

It is seriously cramping my style to not post pics with blog posts, but soon I'll be home and can post more pictures than you'll want to see!

Update: Reread this and I'm sorry it sounds whiny. Especially since they just came and unhooked me from my morphine and IV, and I can actually use the bathroom on my own. :)


Elizabeth Frick said…
Seriously? You're apologizing for "sounding whiny?" Girl, you deserve to rail on anything and everything if you want to! I am constantly impressed by your positive attitude and fighting spirit! Keep that going, friend :)
I've always wondered why people who don't like people get into careers where they are expected to help and serve... people. You give them what-for from all of us!
Sorry that yesterday was so rough, but I'm happy to hear that you're in your own PJs again! I can only imagine how wonderful that must be. And to drink after all this time! Hurrah!!!
It is so wonderful to hear from you, Melissa. I think about you all the time. Big hugs!
Oh Melissa, you can be whiny. You have every right. I hope today is better for you! Sending lots of love.
Whine all you want, girl!! And do you mean morphine counseling or counseling with the IV tech? Either way, sounds good. I could use some morphine counseling some days!!

Hang in there- and you are completely allowed to have bad days. Just cause you have faith doesn't mean you have to only feel sunny and happy. You get to feel crappy and let it all hang out (not literally at the nurse's station- the double-gowning is a good thing!!) sometimes.

Katrina said…
I think it sounds like you are making progress. Sometimes a good cry puts things in perspective. I am so sorry you are going through this but how amazing it will be to later understand (in heaven probably). My prayers are with you! I have been so torn by your families heartaches and successes in this disease the last few years. I will continue to pray. Thank you for sharing! Katrina
M :-) said…
Bless your heart. Your post did not sound like you were whining at all. Speaking of whining - I don't know too many people who wouldn't be a little down after not being allowed to eat or drink for a week.

I am sorry that you had a not-so-good day yesterday. It sounds like today is looking up though, so that's good!

Take care, and enjoy wearing your own snuggly pajamas! :)
M :-) said…
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April said…
I don't think you sound whiny AT ALL! You have every right to tell us exactly how you feel. I hope you get to eat something soon and I'm saying big prayers for you, your family, and your doctors.
Brenda Shearon said…
you have been through a lot this week physically, spiritually, and emotional. If it had been me, the waterworks would have been long before yesterday. Thanks for taking time to blog and facebook to let us know how you are doing. Praying all these issues get worked out and you can come home soon!
tinetinesmom said…
Melissa, glad to hear today is a better day for you. You can whine all want. We're here for you and continue to pray for you & your family every day. Hope you're outta of there soon!!
Anonymous said…
Let me be the first to reply! God was good in so many ways yesterday, and today is going better, it sounds like, with you!!!
So good to see your shining face in person. And everyone else.
Love, bunches! GMA E.
Mayme said…
Whine all you want girl!

Sorry that you had such a "fun day" yesterday. I can only imagine how much fun it was to see those lovely gowns or lack thereof. Believe me, I can attest to how people just let it all go while in those gowns!

Take care and I hope today is a much better day for you guys.

Love ya!
Anonymous said…
Glad that your tubes are gone and you can go to the bathroom alone by yourself!! I know you are ready to be home! Praying for you.
Unknown said…
I truly have a hard time imagining you being to aweful! But... you are entitled to those moments, feel however you do, cry, yell, smile, scream... they are all yours to feel... no apologies necessary. You are so very loved and being thought of bunches! PS... i'm coming over to steal your iPad! :P xoxooxox L
Krista said…
You don't sound whiny at all! I've always wondered what happens in a hospital during tornado warning...
I'm sure you will have more of those tough days - you are so allowed!
Sending you virtual hugs!
Amy said…
You whine away, girl!! I'm so glad those tubes are gone and yippee for some clear liquids!! I know they must taste heavenly! It's so good to see you blogging again. I've missed you! We're still praying for your recovery and healing! Love you!!
KrisJ said…
Im so happy that you made this small step! Fluids baby!! Im so sorry about the sucky days though. It does seem like you have your wit about you.. picturing the oldies showing their stuff cracks me up.. todays entertainment?
We cant wait for pictures either!! Love ya girl!
Lisa said…
prayers go out to you and your family. you are so blessed to have them so close to you at a time like this. You WILL prevail with all the prayer and love you have surrounding you. I'm one of those in real life internet people that consistently reads your blogs and fellow scrapper. I wish you the best in your fight and recovery. and whining?!!!! well thats truly understood we ALL have to do that once in a while.
Bless you Melissa,
Cindy said…
Good grief, girl! I think you have a few reasons to be whiny right now. Lots of thoughts, prayers, and hugs your way! ~Cyn on Holt BB.
Barbara said…
Your sense of humour is still intact! Love it! Whiny would not be a word I'd attribute to your post...truthful, yes, but whiny, no. Hope you're having a good night and each day is better than the last.
I actually had to go back and re-read the post when I read your "whiny" statement... I didn't get that at all! And, even if it was whiny... uh, i think you are entitled!!!

I'm sorry yesterday wasn't great. If you're like me, the body just stores up all this stress and then the dam bursts and I'm a big mess. But, in it's own way, it's really good for you. And really, you need those kind of days as well. [And just so you know, my offer of being someone to listen stands... today and every day.]

You're doing awesome on your path, don't forget it! :-)
Janet said…
Whiny? No way! I remember days like these during my cancer journey, especially in the beginning. They are hard. I'm sorry. Then...I'd think I was past it...and they'd creep up on me again at times, sort of surprising me. You have been through a LOT already...with more to come. It is OK. It is human to let it all go at times...you HAVE to! Let yourself have these days. They are what they are. Embrace the good ones, make it through the hard ones. Nothing wrong with that. Peace be with you.

Tornado warning in hospital? Oh dear...I can only imagine (and I work in a hospital too). I laughed at your comment that people should actually LIKE working with people before they pick a career working with people. Seems obvious, but I know what you mean.
Susanne said…
Whiny??? I don't think so! I can't believe how upbeat you are... still making us laugh with the observations. Praying that the days get better quicker... and sometimes, you just need to let the water works flow.
Maria said…
GIRL!!! You just whine all you want. You've earned the right to whine a little. I think you have a MUCH better attitude than I ever would and you are such an inspiration to so many. I think of you and pray for you every day. If you need any help with the kiddos, please let me know. I am HERE for anything you want or need. {{Hugs}}
Wendy said…
Hey Melissa!! Yay for your own pj's and liquids! And, often a good cry is the absolute BEST thing for us. You gotta get it all out. As I've said before, you inspire me. You do not appear whiny AT ALL to me, just real. Praying that the bp and heart rate get regulated soon and for better days ahead. God Bless!
Karen said…
You don't sound the least whiny to me. Even if you did, I doubt anyone would say you are anything but entitled. I get cranky after a day w/o food. You've gone seven and are still cracking jokes! That's impressive... Glad you're getting some semblance of food and your own pj's. Having been in the hospital recently, I know what a major success that (and getting to go to the bathroom alone!) is! Continuing to send up prayers for you.

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