Treatment Plan

I posted this status on Facebook, "Things went well this morning at the oncologists." Brian says I may have overstated it a bit, but the truth is things did go well. As has happened on all of my other major medical days, I have felt an unnatural calm that can only be explained by prayer. Dr. W is very pleased with my recovery, and has a plan for me. I will be having two ports installed (is that the right way to state it?): one in my abdomen and one in my clavicle in preparation for chemo treatments. I will have 5 months worth of treatment in 3 week cycles. Day 1 will be chemo in my clavicle, Day 2 and Day 8 will be chemo directly into my abdomen. The good news is that this kind of treatment plan has a higher cure rate. The bad news is that it's pretty brutal on the body. (This is where being young and healthy comes into play.) My first two treatments are tentatively scheduled for May 4 and 5.

Dr. W gave me an 80% chance of success with this treatment plan, which is a very positive number. As always with cancer, there is a chance of recurrence, but we're not going to worry about that right now. One other major component to this is genetic. My younger sister, Liz, and I tested negative for the gene mutation that caused Becky's cancer. Today I was tested for the full range of genetic mutations. It would be very uncommon for a family to have two separate mutations, but it's also very uncommon for a 35 year old to have ovarian cancer so we'll just have to wait and see. Obviously, this has strong ramifications for Liz as well as my female cousins and other members of our family. While I have always been grateful our family was formed through adoption, this makes me even more grateful because there is no chance I have passed this on to Camden or Rory.

I am not looking forward to the next several months of my life, but I have almost 3 weeks to relax and enjoy feeling good. I am confident that despite the difficulty, things will be just fine.

If you're looking for some specific prayer requests besides the obvious, please pray that our insurance company will cover the genetic testing which will cost approximately $4,000. We also need prayer regarding our current job situation. Those two things weigh heavy on our mind at the moment.

Oh, and because I know you're dying to know, I had 46 staples removed today. Surprisingly enough, it was not painful. :)


KrisJ said…
Well I had to suck in a breath and I already know you are an amazingly strong woman but wow! I wish I was close, I wish I could help more than in prayers but for now thats what Ill continue to do! If there is anything I can ever do from afar.. please let me know! And holy staples!!
Nikki said…
Melissa..I don't always post comments on your blog but I've been following it for such a long time. You and your sweet family feel like friends even though we've never met. My heart breaks that you have to go through this ordeal..but your faith through it all is such an inspiration to me.
God will see you through this.

"When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee."

God bless you girl!
Karen said…
Prayer definitely helps calm the nerves and you have a HUGE amount of prayer coming your way from all directions! I'll definitely pray about the insurance and job issues. You don't need that stress! I'm so happy to hear that 80% number with your chemo plan. That's fantastic! I will send every positive vibe I have your way... My church family continues to pray for you, too.
Jess Cox said…
Once again, I have to say, you are an amazing woman!!! We will continue pray for you and your family, but it is already obvious that God is continuing to bless you! I love your attitude!
Mayme said…
This sounds very encouraging and you positive attitude and sense of calm are so inspiring.

Okay, so now when I am awake at 2:30 I have some very specific requests to be made:)

Love ya!!
Krista said…
I'm so glad you have a plan that is set and going to start soon. You are so very strong and brave my friend. I think our motto for you should be like the Koreans during the World Cup. FIGHTING!!!
When I read that Dr. W. has a plan for you...I can only be reminded that he isn't the only one! I just know that God has a huge plan for you, too. I continue to pray his full hedge of protection around you and your sweet family, as well as his guidance for your doctors. Thank you for sharing your story. You are truly an inspiration to me.
Wendy said…
Melissa, this sounds encouraging!! Enjoy these next three weeks! Covering you in prayer! So thankful that our heavenly Father is providing you with peace and calm during this time!
Jenn T. said…
Melissa, I've followed your blog for a while now & although we've never met and you probably don't even know me, I wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers. I teach a religious ed class and had the whole class saying special prayers just for you. Take care as you embark on this next journey.
Wow--46 staples!!!! I am seriously impressed. Much more impressive is your peace-filled and graceful handling of the situation. You are right--it can only be explained by prayer.
The chemo sounds scary, but hopeful!!! I will be praying for the requests that you listed!
Anonymous said…
46 staples!?! Wow... and I thought the four I had when they took out my appendix was impressive!

I'm glad there's a plan in place and the remission percentage is so high.

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. I volunteer with the American Cancer Society, so I can ask them anything you need me to ask. I can take you up there if you want to do the Look Good, Feel Better program they have for women going through chemo. I see Brian every day at work, so just pass anything along that you need me to do. (And I was serious about crocheting you snazzy hats - I love to crochet, but I never do it unless I have a reason to.) I can make you and Rory matching hats even!

And, as always, I'm praying for you.
-Stacy and Ted said…
been thinking about you and praying for you today!! SO THANKFUL for 80%. Don't think for a second that we won't be here to pray for you and support you these next few months.
Elizabeth Frick said…
46 staples?! Holy moly, Melissa!
I am so incredibly encouraged by your doctor's projected success rate, but even more so by your amazing attitude and hope. You are so surrounded by love and support that I think your chance for success is even better than 80%!
Please do let me know how I can help you - we will be in Nashville soon, and I want to help out in ANY way possible... toasted ravioli & gooey butter cake from STL? Taking Camden and Rory to the zoo for the day? Cupcakes from Gigi's? Come and clean your house?
You name it, friend, and I will do it.
Barbara said…
Thank-you for letting us know specific prayer requests, because I truly pray for you everyday. I'm SO excited to hear 80%! You're going to win this fight. I just know it! The chemo regime certainly sounds intense and the battle will be tough, but you are strong in mind and body, and even stronger with God.
renee82 said…
Melissa, you and your beautiful family have been in my thoughts and prayers everyday. I'm so encouraged by your treatment plan and your positive attitude. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers and wish you the strength to get through it all. (although I know you do!) Many hugs from your canadian friend. xox Renee
Anonymous said…
You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. If I can be of any help whatsoever please let me glad you have 3 weeks to get recovered from surgery and stronger! oh yes, I believe all your medical terms are correct.:)46 staples is very impressive, even to a jaded er nurse.haha
Love ya,Angel
Susanne said…
FORCE is an organization that may be able to help you find ways to cover the genetic testing financially if your insurance won't.
Keeping you and your family in prayer. I so admire your positive attitude!
Melissa, you are quite an amazing woman! Strong doesn't even begin to describe what I'd call you--I admire your courage, your positive attitude and the fact that you still have a sense of humor. You and your family continue to ne in my prayers--even though we've never met, I've followed your blog and have commented on Adopt Talk w you--feel like I know you! I'm glad your doctor has a plan and the future looks very, very hopeful! Take care, my friend.
ckummerle said…
Hello there! I have been following your blog for quite some time and although we don't know each other, I feel connected to your story.(cancer and adoption) It took my breath away to read of your diagnosis. I, too, was diagnosed with cancer at a young age. I was also the mother of young children at the time, underwent similar chemotherapy treatments and radiation treatments.(two years worth and now 13 years cancer free) I know first hand what you are feeling. I will be sending my prayers and positive thoughts your way. I know for a fact that staying positive, praying and having the love and support of your family are crucial for your recovery. Stay strong, have faith and courage!

I know it's strange, but if there is ever a time you need to talk, one survivor to another, I would be happy to connect. It truly does help to have someone that can relate to all aspects.
Lisa said…
Melissa, you are a strong, brave woman I commend you on your huge amount of faith and positive attitude. I know God will sit right there with you in amazement.
Praying for you and your beautiful family, and the job situation. Enjoy your weekend!

46 staples! Did they let you keep them as a souvenir? haha!

I can only imagine how difficult the next several months are going to be. It will be a roller coaster ride that I'm sure you'll be wanting to get off of several times. We'll be cheering you on and telling you to throw your hands up in the air on the roller coaster and keep on riding! (or at least we'll hand you a paper bag to throw up in!) I promise to continue to keep you in my prayers.

I have definitely been questioning my genetic testing results since you found out about your cancer. I'm going to my doctor in May & I am going to make her continue to take me and my family background seriously.

Love you my friend!!!!
Brenna said…
So glad to hear you are feeling positive about the plan. I will be honored to pray for the job situation and all the other issues you are facing as you start treatments. Big hugs to you!
Anonymous said…
Strong. Brave. Courageous. Inspiring.
that's what you are!
Praying for a full and complete recovery with your treatment, and for peace and strength for you as you endure this.
Annie B. said…

First off, I keep wanting to click the "Like" button when I read the comments to your blog post today. I like all of them! You have amazing support.

I have so much to say, but not really sure what all to say. I feel connected to you even though I have never met you. I am pulling for you like I would pull for my best friend.

Sending tons and ons and tons of prayers up for you and your situation from fridgid Minnesota!
Katie Nelson said…
You are amazing Melissa! Thanks for keeping us updated. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Your strentgh is beautiful and inspiring! I am so glad to not hear radiation in that plan. My mother's radiation after abdominal surgery created havoc on scar tissue. The chemo will be bad, but with the positive attitude your taking I know you can overcome.

Take care Melissa! We are all thinking of you and praying for the best.
Unknown said…
you had me giggling w/ the "installment" of the ports. i THINK you say they are being "placed" from what i remember.... either way, we get it though. :)

sending you continued calm as you walk this journey....

much love and prayers
kelle said…
I am so happy the success rate is 80%!! You've been on my mind like crazy. I've enjoyed following you on your blog and will be praying for you during this next phase of your life. Enjoy the 3 weeks of feeling good . . . be sure to do all your favorite things:)
Heather said…
Strong and courageous, that's what you are. I'm so very sorry you and your family are going through this. You will be in my daily prayers, and added to the prayer list at my church.

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" Romans 12:12
Laurie said…
When i was 17 I had a malignant ovarian tumor. They said it was very rare, especially for someone my age. I had 9 mos of chemo, and I'm now 48! I will be saying lots of prayers for you!
Tysmyguy said…
Love the 80% and your attitude! It IS weird the calmness and the readiness to get things started, but I know exactly how that goes. I also was Dx with ovarian cancer at the age of 33. When they did the genetic testing I *think* (things tend to become a blur when I think back to treatment times) that the genetic counselor told me that when the testing came back negative for the mutations, that if in the future a close relative was diagnosed with breast OR ovarian cancer that their genetic testing would be done for free? Something about needing to go and look to see if there was a new mutation. I'm not sure about your past family history but it sounds like you were tested before due to a family members history.
Grace said…
praying, praying, praying for you! i am so amazed and encouraged by your courage and faith and altogether positive attitude. i am so glad to hear that the doctors have a positive outlook and will be praying you through your treatment...thanks for the update!
Amy said…
Hey Melissa! I'm sorry I've been such a bad commenter lately. I have been reading but more importantly I've been praying. You are just amazing, girl! I'm in awe of your faith and your courage. I know that comes from the Lord and I'm so thankful He's filling you with peace and joy as only He can. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. I know these next 5 months are going to be very hard and painful. I don't understand but I am trusting along with you. God has great plans for you and your sweet family!
{I read this when you first posted, but commenting was tough with my silly iphone only access... sorry!}

I'm THRILLED to hear of the success rate... and I ADORE your outlook on this. You simply amaze me.

And I have to say I LOVE Krista's comment... FIGHTING is right!!

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