Thousand Gifts 144-170

So today's update is from me! I'm finally able to concentrate long enough to write a blog post (over several hours), and I feel like it's been so long since I "talked" that I don't even know where to start. (Anyone want to count the number of times I say wonderful and sweet during this post?)

I think I should probably start with how overwhelmed I am with my fellow adoptive parents, scrapping and photography buddies. It's amazing how sweet you have all been to me, and we've never even met. The emails, cards, and messages have been so uplifting and have brought tears and smiles to my face so many times. And, of course, the people I know in "real" life have also been so supportive and sweet.

Second, all major tubes are gone! It's probably a good thing that I was unable to blog last week because the posts would have been full of complaints over the tubes coming out of my body. The big one in my nose as well as the unmentionable one have been removed, and it's amazing how much better I feel with them gone. I'm still attached to an IV tube with lots of medicine, some drains, and my beloved morphine pump, but I'm now strong enough to brush my teeth or wash my hands on my own, and that feels a.m.a.z.i.n.g.

I think Becky mentioned that my surgery ended up being more extensive than we had hoped and without going into too many details, I have a 10-12 inch stapled incision on my abdomen. They did a complete hysterectomy as well as took out a foot of my colon and did some bowel resectioning. Sounds like a good time, doesn't it? Well, let me just say it's about as fun as it sounds. I haven't been able to have anything to eat or drink. They briefly let me have ice chips yesterday, but quickly took them away when they made me sick. Ice chips! At this point, we're waiting for my digestive system to start waking up and I'll probably be here until at least Wednesday. We have a long road ahead of us when it comes to beating the cancer, and our doctors have taken the viewpoint that we'll have a long talk and deal with the tougher issues a little later. The focus right now is recovering from surgery. Brian and I have decided that ignorance is bliss for now.

Honestly, though, I am feeling stronger every day, am becoming a marathon runner doing laps around the nurse's station, and one of these days just might be able to get up and out of bed without it being a major ordeal in my day. :)

My room is covered in beautiful flowers, and the nurses and doctors and other patients all stop in to say how great our floor smells from the flowers. Well, okay, two of the doctors complained because it messes with their allergies, but they didn't say we had to take them down so I'm going to enjoy every second of them.

And there's no way I could blog and not mention my family. They have been so wonderful to take care of the kids and to take care of us. We haven't had to worry about any of the normal day-to-day details of life, and I have loved every second of the family time. It's been a special blessing to have Becky here and while I hate that we share this cancer bond, she understands in a way that no one else could. My brother came just to be on kid-duty, and my poor mom is here for the duration. I have a feeling she's going to become a close and personal friend with my laundry room and kitchen. The kiddos are having a difficult time - things happened so quickly that we were unable to adequate prepare them for the fact that we would be gone for a week. We've seen them a couple of times, but I was absolutely unable to see them the first several days. Brian is trying to show them extra attention and just try to help them deal with this, but we can see they are struggling, and it's hard to watch.

And, finally, Brian, who is a complete rock star. He's always been a good care-taker even when I've just had a simple cold, and he is wonderful when I can do nothing on my own. I am just so blessed to have him, and there's no way to adequately express that.

I've actually taken lots of pictures of the last few days, but I don't have a way to upload them so pictures might be scarce until I make it home. Here's one Becky took the morning after surgery with Brian and my new toy. Yes, Brian went out the very morning after surgery and bought me a new iPad. I'm still learning what it can do, but am loving my new toy!

144. Psalm 39:6 "We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing."
145. big fluffy white clouds
146. for the idea that "life is dessert"
147. reassuring doctors
148. for family who drops everything to be with me
149. for the oblivion drugs bring when your family is being told bad news
150. for Rory who says, "mama, I just LOVE your new gown."

151. for beautiful, beautiful flowers from friends
152. a room with a view
132. for a hairstyling and make-up session from Becky right before a group of visitors
154. the smell of lilies
155. late night visits from friends
156. family who drive lots of hours just to spend a couple of hours with me
157. a husband who is willing to take care of me in every possible way
158. for oscillating fans
159. sweet pea and violet lotion
160. emails from friends
161. cards from friends who looked up Gigi's cucakes for me and sent me sweet vibes
162. internet access
163. sweet night nurses
164. coffee delivered to your room - this would be for Brian, by the way :)
165. a kind pat on the shoulder from a compassionate nurse
166. Benadryl that allows me to sleep despite the 4-5 interruptions a night
167. church family who are providing meals
168. online friends, who are some of the best friends you can have even when you've never met in person
169. clean hospital gowns
(one of these days I might get to put my own clothes back on, but it's gonna be a while!)
170. gigantic homemade cards from the kids at church


Unknown said…
Sending love!! <3 <3 <3 I love the picture!! I wish I could jump through my iPad and hug you!! Enjoy your new toy!! xxxx
Dear Melissa, it's so good to hear from 'you', although your sister has done an excellent job keeping all of us informed! It's good to hear your humor, and to read your thankful list. You have encouraged me! I pray that the Lord will continue to give you strength and good humor as your body heals. You are definitely in our prayers here in France. Thank you for your transparency!
May you feel HIS presence this day-
Shavon said…
I have been praying for all of you!! I am truly amazed at your sweet spirit and take time to keep us all updated on your progress AND list all of God's Blessings through all that you are going through! I pray that God will do something so AMAZING through all of this....I know I have been touched by all you have shared!! May God continue to heal and bless you and your family!!
Krista said…
So wonderful to hear from you! You seem to be in good spirits! Glad the tubes are gone... The joys of surgery. Praying for you all the time and wishing I do something. I did buy daffodils yesterday in your honour. Hoping you can eat those cupcakes soon...
Cindy Schneider said…
Thank you for your update Melissa! You've been constantly in my thoughts, and let me just say from your photo I would have never thought you are recovering from major surgery, you look absolutely beautiful! So glad you are surrounded by so much love and people who are there to help you out. Your positive outlook and attitude are just amazing, and if anyone can beat can!!! :)
I can't even tell you how happy I am to see you back!!! I see there's a photo in the post below that you took as well. Seeing you blog and photograph speaks volumes. Volumes! You must be feeling better!

There's so many thoughts running through my mind right now... like the tubes, oh god, the tubes... I feel your pain. There should be a cap on how long those can stay in place. Like an hour. ;-)

And the iPad! The iPad! You SO deserve that. Enjoy it while it's still all yours... cause once you're home... well, you'll have competition.

On a serious note... WOW. What a surgery. Melissa, I know I've said this before... but you AMAZE me. Truly. I literally have no words. I seriously can't get over how crazy this week (or two) has been... and how well you have handled it.

AND, as if that surgery wasn't enough... you somehow look better than I do on a "normal" day around here.

You, Brian, Camden, Rory and the rest of the family permeate my thoughts and prayers. Keep healing Melissa, keep healing!!!
Mayme said…
It is so glad to hear from you! Not that Becky hasn't done a good job blogging!

Okay, so how is it that you can look so great even with a NG tube in the nose! And aren't drugs grand when used in the right fashion!

I'm glad all those pesky tubes are gone and I hope that the digestive track gets on board soon and you can enjoy something to eat!

I am glad you have had some good nurses. Sometimes we nurses get a bad reputation and some of those are deserved, but I'm glad you have had some good ones.

Take care and you know that I am here if you need ANYTHING. Tell your mom that too!
Seeing your post made my morning, and seeing your face made me smile. I continue to pray for you and your precious family. May you experience full healing and comfort in the days to come.
Anonymous said…
Oh Melissa! So great to see you blogging again! You have prayers coming your way from Colorado -- (Shelley, BriarClaire co-owner).
Brenna said…
So good to see your smiling face and hear from you, Melissa! You look awesome! What a surgery you had~ I hope you continue to feel better each day so you can get home to your family soon.
Many prayers are being lifted up for you ~ you have no idea how many times you and your family are in my thoughts each day. I always take those moments to pray specifically for God's healing touch for you. Big hugs!
Laura said…
How do you look amazing even with tubes?!!?? I am sure it must be nice that they are gone. So glad to see you back to blogging! My brother in law had part of his colon removed recently and that alone was tough. I just can't even imagine everything you have been through in such a short time. What an amazing family and support system! I love your positive attitude and great spirit! That alone will do wonders for your recovery, I think! Please know that I continue to pray daily for you and your family. I pray that you heal quickly and are back to normal speedy quick! :)
I hope Joy got to visit with you over the weekend!
Randi Oh said…
great to read you! you look amazing, your spirit inspiring. continued prayers here from the Oh Family!! xo
heidi said…
You have such a positive attitude! Just know that we are all thinking of you and praying for you. Tears in my eyes from your "thankful for" list. Loved Rory's comment about your new gown. :) Continued wishes for getting stronger every day.
Rebecca H. said…
Melissa, it's SO great to see you back to your blog! Very encouraging. And now there are tears in my eyes from reading your list of blessings. Thanks for reminding me not to take so many things for granted.

My family and I will continue to pray for you. Lots of love to you girl!!
Brenda Shearon said…
Can see why you were so happy to have the nose tube gone. You look great to have had surgery. Glad to see your smile. Brian knew the perfect gift for you. Enjoy your ipad. Thanks for the updates.
Katie Nelson said…
I'm so glad you are surrounded by such loving and wonderful people. Kudos to your hubby for getting you an iPad! You are continually in my thoughts and prayers.
Kresta said…
Melissa, although I'm one of those digi-friends that you've never met in real life, I've told my husband that you just seem like someone that I would naturally be friends with if we lived in the same area or grew up together, ya know?

Anyway, I've prayed for you like crazy. I hope you know that. And I will continue to do so!
Keela said…
Melissa! It's so great to see your smiling face! :) I have been thinking a lot about you this past weekend. I ended up in the ER/hospital unexpectantly (kidney stone). As I sat waiting for answers I remembered everything you were going through. I somehow was able to relax, be patient, and remember that God was in control. So, while I prayed for myself and my situation, I also prayed for you...and I will continue to do so! Hugs! :)
Kelly said…
Wait a look that good a day after surgery?? I am doing something wrong!! I can't tell you how happy I was so read your update:) I hope you continue to amaze those doctors and nurses with your determination and will to recover!! I am continuing to pray for you and your family~
Well wishes,
Anonymous said…
Hi Melissa,
I read your blog every day but am ashamed to say that I very rarely post comments. I just want to say how much I have been thinking about you and your family as you fight this battle. Sending you strength and wishing you all the best.

P.S. You seriously look amazing for someone who has been through such an ordeal.
Anonymous said…
Just knowing you can blog and seeing your beautiful face with the sunshine smile lifts my heart. Prayers for you and your wonderful family. Louise S. Lewis
Shelly said…
So thankful for your update today! Keep resting, and we will continue to pray for healing! Your family is never far from my thoughts and prayers!
Unknown said…
Love reading your words today, Melissa. I can just feel the positivity and strength in you and it's SUCH a beautiful testimony.

YAY for your iPad!! YAY for flowers! YAY for family and friends! And YAY for grace and praises in the storm. ♥
Alicia In TX said…
Melissa, you have an amazing outlook...and how dare you look so beautiful right after surgery?!! :) Hang in there, sweet lady, and enjoy the attention that will be showered on you....we're thinking of you here in TX.
Trina said…
Thinking of you Melissa! (from TDD team - Steph updated us). I just recovered from the same type of surgery (with the really big incision, although not as extensive internally as you) and I can tell you your positive attitude will go a long way in recuperating!! I hope you start to feel better soon, and I'm sending positive thoughts your way!
Elizabeth Frick said…
#161 and 170 are my faves. You've been on my mind and in my heart, day and night. How I wish I could have twisted some serious arms at Gigi's!!! Someday soon, you and I will share some of those delectable cupcakes. I promise. :)
You are beautiful, inside and out, and an inspiration to so many.
Linda Balthrop said…
Melissa, it was great to read your post. Your are truly a blessed woman to have wonderful family, friends, husband, and kids. I know you brother took real good care of the kids. Now as for Uncle Michael he was a meanie he had William and Xavier in the corner after Children's church Sunday. LOL. Just kidding I know he's been great as well. Still praying for you and the family. Love you and hope to see ya soon.
Amanda said…
Yay, it's a post from you!!!! So glad to see that you are able to do some blogging again. Love the picture and I hope you enjoy your new toy. Some of my favorite apps that you may like also are--
2.The Weather Channel- I do realize not everyone is a weather nerd like myself LOL.
4.River Of News- it ties in with google reader so you can keep up with your blogs you follow.
5.Checklister- You'll love this one if you're a list making gal.
6.PopOut Peter Rabbit storybook-- My kids love this one. It is an interactive book and it is beautifully done.

Hope that helps a little!!
Anonymous said…
You are an amazing lady!! Keep up that fighting spirit and positive attitude. It will take you a long way in the battles that you have yet to face. Healing prayers are coming your way!!

Tammy-from Holt Board
-Stacy and Ted said…
My goodness that picture was taken the DAY AFTER? surgery? You look FABULOUS!! Seriously! Keep taking it one day at a time. Don't look too far ahead, just concentrate on today. Tomorrow will be here regardless of how much worrying you do. I ran a race on Saturday and mile 1 was dedicated to you! I prayed for you and your family the entire mile... and will continue to do so as you fight and beat this. God bless you!!!!
Jenn Lindsey said…
I was so sorry to hear of what you're going through right now, but happy to read that you're blogging again within such a short time of your surgery! Wishing you a very speedy recovery so you can get back to your beautiful family. Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers :)

~Jenn (from TDD team)
Barbara said…
So Hapy to hear from you and inspired by your positivity. I will continue to pray for you and your family.
Anonymous said…
Oh, Melissa, I am so sorry for all the trials, challenges and everything yuck you're going through! I will pray for God's strength when you feel you have none, His joy when the days are dark, and His perfect healing. I'm so glad Steph passed your blog info on to us at TDD. I can definitely pray!
Karen said…
It's so good to hear from you! I can't believe how great you look for all that you've been through!! I will continue to pray for you and your family. I wish I lived closer to help with kid/laundry/kitchen duty... (((HUGS)))
tara said…
Just saw Steph's note on our TDD board. You are a strong and very brave woman. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Attitude is everything, smile lots, try and laugh. Much Love, Tara (aka TaraMcK)
iciclelady said…
Goodness, I can't get over how great you look - and you're in a hospital bed! Glad to see you're blogging already. I hope you'll be home soon. You and your family will be in my thoughts!

H. (on TDD team with you)

PS - Enjoy your iPad! What a thoughtful husband to get you that!
subgirl said…
Melissa, Amy C's mom here. I just wanted you to know I am praying for you. You look great. How nice of Brian to spoil you with a new toy. I can tell he's working on those Brownie points! Your precious kids will be fine once they have their mommy home with them.
God bless you!
So good to hear from you and know that you are getting stronger. I am praying for you as you recover and regroup for whatever is ahead.
God's grace just shines through your life in all that you write even in this storm. We are praying for you! Psalm 121 With love, Heather and family :)
Janet said…
Yep, I was are a FIGHTER.'ve already so wisely figured out that one-day-at-a-time is soooo important when it comes to cancer. It changes everything SO quickly. I'm impressed with your attitude, spunk, and blogging from bedside (OH, how I wish I'd had even a laptop 10 years ago as I sat in hospital beds for weeks on end during chemo rounds, after surgeries, etc...even though I was so out of it at times I would have printed complete jibberish, I'm sure. My hand-written journal was pretty trippy at times.) I'm glad you have someone close to you who has walked this walk before. She will "get it" like you said, like no one else can. :-)
Tomi said…
So glad to read this post and see that it's filled with your personality, strength and humor! Oh and btw, you look fabulous!!! You've been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. Praying for your family, and particularly your kiddos, too.
Grace said…
wow, so amazed to read this, melissa! i am amazed at your positive spirit and attitude and so thankful to hear that things are going as well as they can (and better!) right now. praying for you and your family and for continued healing. keep fighting!

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