Retail Therapy

Thanks to a couple of timely (and larger than usual) consignment checks, my mom, Becky, Elizabeth, and I had a girls day out Saturday. It was fabulous! We went to a shopping area about an hour away and shopped to our heart's content. Okay, actually we would have kept going except my pesky stamina kept getting in the way. I took several breaks throughout the day; we had a long lunch at Chuy's (which just might be my favorite new restaurant even if I couldn't eat some of the more tasty salsa and dips); and finished the day at Ivey Cakes (this shop catered Carrie Underwood's wedding and has been featured on Cupcake Wars if you care about that sort of thing). We bought cupcakes for the kids and ice cream for ourselves at Coldstone Creamery. Ice cream is my absolute favorite dessert, but because of all my stomach problems (a.k.a. cancer that we didn't know about), I haven't eaten it since my birthday in November. It was wonderful. :)

We've been getting so many look-alike comments that we decided we should really take a picture while our hair is still similar.

I'm telling you - it was a good day! Dresses for all of us, Easter outfits for the kids, and two pairs of shoes. Definitely a good day.

170. beautiful purple ribbons
171. wearing my own clothes
172. Rory's sweet voice praying for me over the phone
173. technology and new toys
174. 4 uninterrupted hours of sleep
175. unexpected visits from friends
176.  beautiful brand new babies behind the window
177. orange juice
178. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Cor.12.9.ESV
179. Hawaiian Orchid pink nail polish
180. beautiful blue sky on the drive home
181. home
182. food, food, food
183. sweet tea
184. Rory's hair in french braids
185. the blessing of 8 whole days with Brian 24/7
186. cleansing tears 
187. safe travels for dad
188. "I will give You thanks with all my heart; I will sing Your praise before the heavenly beings. I will bow down toward Your holy temple and give thanks to Your name for Your constant love and faithfulness." Psalm 138:1-2
189. beautiful, beautiful weather with blue skies, cool breeze
190. pink cards written by Camden and his classmates
191. my mom's homemade chicken and dumplings
192. chapter five of One Thousand Gifts and the discussion here
193. a visit from Becky
194. good news from the doctor
195. no more staples
196. a fabulous girl's day
197. a large box full of blessings from friends
198. internet friends
199. weight loss
200. new white shoes and a beautiful blue dress
201. the reminder that our comfort comes God, who never lets us down
202. safe travels for Becky
203. Rory outside my window playing sports alone with joyful abandon
204. perfect spring weather


Elizabeth Frick said…
I'm so glad you had such a fun, therapeutic weekend!!! So deserved. And what's more fun than shopping with girlfriends?!
And yay for no more staples! :)
KrisJ said…
So so happy that you had a fun shopping day! I wish I was there with you to shop away! Love the pic of you and your sis.. your both gorgeous!
Joy said…
Whoo hoo for shopping!! (I seriously miss that particular shopping area... ) Glad you all had fun and we expect pictures of everyone modeling their new Easter frocks! : )

Wow - I don't guess I realized until seeing that photo how much you and Becky look alike!

Hope you get rested up from your weekend!
Shelly said…
Your thankful list makes me cry every single time! Glad you got to enjoy such a fun day with your Mom and Sis... there's nothing like it! Still praying in Washington!
Unknown said…
Shopping suits you - you are glowing!

Thanks for getting me started on 1000 gifts. It is a wonderful book and I'm started on my list. I've had a blessing journal before, but didn't write in it consistently. Just jotting down little snippets of grace throughout the day is such a good way to stay positive.

Have a great week!
Grace said…
oooh! yay! so glad you were able to have a fun day with the girls! retail therapy can work wonders ;)
Oh wow - I am JEALOUS of that retail therapy!! Fun stuff...

And boy, you gals really do look alike!!
Krista said…
Gotta love retail therapy!

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