Playing Frisbee

It is entirely possible that the photographer got beaned with the frisbee while taking these pictures. :)





I managed (yet again) to not take pictures of the adults involved in this game of frisbee. I have got to do better at capturing the parents/grandparents/aunts/uncles in our life.


Elizabeth Frick said…
I understand why there are no adults pictured. No offense to your family, but I have a feeling the kids are a little bit cuter :)
Elizabeth Frick said…
And I LOVE the one of Camden biting his lip in concentration!
Your children are gorgeous.
Joy said…
Ellis LOVES Camden's shirt! He's a big "Tom and Jerry" fan!
Grace said…
i LOVE that first picture of camden! so cute!
and i agree with elizabeth, with kids are cute as yours, i can see why you don't pay attention to the adults!

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