A List

I think I could write a book on all my experiences in the hospital from the last month, but I'm fairly certain it would bore everyone to tears. However, I have put together a little list I'd like to call "Why I'm Convinced my Doctor Hates Me." (And I should totally note that is not Dr. W, who we love. This is Dr. F who is only responsible for my port surgery, thank heavens.)

Reason #1. She made me do a 48 hour fast before my surgery despite the fact that all the anesthesiologists and nurses said that a 12 hour fast is typical.

Reason #2. She wrote on both sides of my neck (totally visible in a t-shirt) as well as all over my abdomen in permanent marker. I have scrubbed several times, and it's not going anywhere.

Reason #3. She put me on a liquid-only diet after the surgery (I seriously shed a few tears when I heard this while I was waiting in recovery). My night nurse put a call in to the doctor on call and they couldn't figure out why she would have done that and released me to eat. So at 8:00 last night Brian made a run to Panera Bread for some soup for me. We decided it was almost like date night to eat carry out and watch TV on a kid-free evening.

Reason #4. Everyone else got to go home the same day after port surgery, but I get to stay a day and a half. (I'm still here, by the way.)

Reason #5. She did not put me on any kind of pain management so I feel like a drug addict every time I call and try to get something to help me feel better.

Disclaimer: While all these things are true, I'm writing this mostly tongue-in-cheek.

And a quick picture from several weeks ago.


Joy said…
You have got to be kidding me!?! She's a young doctor, isn't she? Sounds like it anyway. Hope you are "sprung" soon and can head home!!

LOVE the photo - your kids are ridiculously adorable!

Stay safe today!!
Wow! That sounds horrible! Shame on her.

The photo however... sigh...

Mayme said…
I told you that you should eat! She sounds like the queen of overkill. Did you do something to make her mad:)

Hang in there! Love ya.
Erin said…
Oh, Melissa, I am SO sorry! I hope that you are released asap and that you find some solution for the permanent marker!
Anonymous said…
48 hours?? I can barely make it overnight when I am sleeping. LOL All kidding aside...I pray for you daily. Hang in there.

PS: Your kids are so adorable. Where do you find her dresses?
M said…
Ridiculous!! Let us know if you need backup & we'll get her! LOL. I am shocked at how old your kiddos appear to me & then I think others must think the same about mine but since I see them every day it doesn't register. Anyway hope you are home by now.
Grace said…
goodness! i am so sorry that you have a meanie doctor. :( but your list did make me giggle a bit...;)

and goodness, your children are SO beautiful!
joelsgirl said…
This totally made me giggle and want to storm the hospital at the same time. ; ) Plus Rory is surely the best dressed little girl ever. That dress is adorable, just like her.
Susanne said…
You had to write it tongue in cheek... Dr. F won't let you put anything else in your mouth! :-) Sounds like you are handling it all with grace, charm and humor!d
Anonymous said…
sounds like a lovely doctor (NOT!)! glad you are done with all of that and can return home now.
gorgeous, amazing photo, and i LOVE rory's dress (and so does briar, she can't get enough of looking at rory's wardrobe on your blog when i read, lol!)!
Krista said…
Hmmm... not liking your doctor either. Boo!
Barbara said…
You are a trooper! Sounds like torture and yet you still make your experience comical. I hope you're feeling better today and have been enjoying as much delicious food as you can stomach!
Elizabeth Frick said…
Boo to a bad doctor!!! How obnoxious. Hopefully the marker is fading by now? :(
And I'm sorry, but Rory totally looks about 25 in that photo!

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