Happy Easter

Due to the lame mother who did not dye eggs with her children, there are no cute egg pictures. Due to a kill-joy mother who decided they already had a ton of candy and didn't need an Easter basket just for more candy, there are no Easter basket pictures. Due to the booming thunderstorms and flash floods surrounding us, there was no Easter egg hunt after church so no egg hunt pictures either. There are, however, these two quick pictures I snapped during a brief moment of sun this afternoon.

I feel as if I need to clarify I did not plan on matching outfits for Brian and I. :) My dress came first and then I liked this specific shirt and tie best. It just happened to perfectly coordinate with my dress.

The kid's outfits, however, match on purpose.

Despite the thunderstorms, we had a lovely service at church this morning, brunch with his parents and another couple, and then a not-so-quiet evening of a prednisone-charged Rory and Camden. :)


Mayme said…
There is a certain boy who is getting WAY TOO TALL!
KrisJ said…
You crack me up! I LOVE those pics, man you guys look so darling!
Shelly said…
You all look beautiful! Happy Easter!
again always amazed at the fabulous family pictures.. ME NONE and we didn't color eggs either. we did do baskets with VERY LITTLE candy, some religious books, tie tacks, rosary and 2 little toys... I love the blue color... I want to paint something that color!
Stephanie said…
Beautiful family! Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't love dyeing eggs - I tried to get away with skipping it this year, but was guilted into it!:)
Love both of these pictures... LOVE. And I adore Camden's look here... hair, glasses, outfit... everything!
subgirl said…
What a beautiful family! Your little guy (actually not so little!) looks adorable in his glasses!
I'll be praying for you in the coming weeks and months. God will hold you close as you go through this difficult time.

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