Friday's Plans

I feel as if someone should have warned me that having two ports implanted in your body is more than a little painful. I guess my first clue should have been the fact that I had the full-fledged anesthesia treatment plus an overnight stay in the hospital, not to mention the fact that they sent me home with double the amount of pain medicine than last time, but I have been quite surprised at how much these things hurt! And now that I'm on the downhill side of it I can laugh at the fact that my first morning home, I woke up after sleeping straight through the night flat on my back to realize (a) my pain medicine had definitely worn off (b) I was seriously stiff from being in that one position all night, and that (c) I.could.not.move. So not kidding. I had to call Brian to help me get out of bed. Go ahead and laugh, but you try having two abdominal surgeries in less than a month plus a little work done on your shoulder and see if you can get out of bed by yourself. :)

Fortunately, I felt less stiff and less pain as the day went on, and I was even able to go to Camden's baseball game last night (something I haven't done since before my first surgery). As long as I keep up with the pain meds, I'm pretty good. On today's agenda is my big haircut (I guess I wore my last ponytail last night) and then I'm attempting a photo shoot with a friend and her baby. I know. Possibly not my best idea, but I'm going to give it a shot.

Nothing cuter than little boys in baseball uniforms.

Oh, and since I'm sure you're all wondering, thanks to a friend who sent me Mary Kay eye make-up remover, the marks are gone from my neck as well as all the crazy tape marks from my multiple IV's.


MK eye makeup remover is the bomb!! I have never really thought about it, but now that I am, I would agree that it must be super painful to have 2 ports "installed"!!
Post pics of your new haircut!
Louise S. Lewis said…
Oh, YES! the hair cut is you. It show those beautiful eyes, lengthens the face and that realy brings out the love and laughter in God's child you are!
Elizabeth Frick said…
Hmm... I think I'd better invest in this Mary Kay eye makeup remover. I'm always having to chisel off my mascara. You know... the 3 days out of the year I actually have my act together enough to put makeup on.
I'm so sorry about the pain with the port insertion! Who knew.

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