
On my first day home from the hospital, we took a little walk. Rory saw the dandelions and asked to stop and blow them. I had my camera, so I said yes. Okay, I would have said yes anyway, but definitely because I had the camera. :) It was really good to take pictures outside of the hospital!

And despite what it looks like, she was not posing - just somehow doing this scrunching up of her shoulders to blow.







Elizabeth Frick said…
adorable, as always! i looooove the shoulders up for maximum blowing power :)
KrisJ said…
So dang cute!! Sure am glad your home and able to get out!!
April said…
Your photos just blow me away! And your daughter is such a beautiful girl.
Anonymous said…
Love the pictures! Blowing dandelions is one of Molly's favorite things to do, too!

Dandelions.......one of my favorite childhood memories.
Brenda Lewis said…
What a wonderful thing to do. We are so glad and thankful you are home and doing well.

Love you, Brenda
Krista said…
What a sweet sequence of photos. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I'm looking forward to dandilions! That means spring is here!
Amanda said…
So sweet!! Emma was blowing dandelions the other day too!! She thinks they are the coolest things!
Wendy said…
LOVE it!! Dandelions are my favorite flower because no flower brings as much joy to a child or is given with as much love by a child! :)
Grace said…
these are gorgeous and miss rory is just the cutest dandelion blower!
Ha! It's funny how the camera can sway our "yes/no" decisions sometimes, isn't it?!

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