2011 Project 365, Week 13 & 14

Thanks to Becky (and a few days where I just might have fudged on the date), I was able to stay on top of Project 365 over the last couple of weeks.

2011_week13 web

2011_week14 web

And a few pictures that didn't quite make it to the official P365 page.

Home sweet home for 8 days

With Becky

With Rory

With Camden

Our April family picture (why is hospital girl the only one standing?)

Family visit the night before I was released

And one last family picture (finally in "real" clothes), and I'm clearly feeling the effects of a full day as well as the effects of not being able to wash my hair for 8 days. Oh, I wish I were kidding.

And a quick self-portrait right before I checked out.

And I most definitely did not scrap this since I've been home, but never shared it from several weeks ago.


Elizabeth Frick said…
Ok, you look positively beautiful in all those photos - how do you manage it?!
I absolutely LOVE the "in sickness and in health" chocolates from your darling husband... so thoughtful. And Rory's watermelony dress is divine!
Your self portrait is so great, but the best of all is that you're home!!! Thinking of you often, friend.
BTW, we might be visiting you soon, if we may!
OK, I'm completely blown away by the fact that you managed to stay on top of 365. You rock. Seriously.
Susanne said…
You seriously crack me up... love the one where the patient is the only one standing. Still praying for you!
M :-) said…
Melissa, you look gorgeous in all of the pictures. The note from Brian made me cry. What a sweet guy!

I am blown away that you have kept up with P365. I am a third year failure. ;)

You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Barbara said…
Beautiful photos, as usual! Your positive attitude is incredible.
Krista said…
You look fabulous in all of those pictures. Your positivity is very inspiring. Good for you in keeping up with your scraping routine too!

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