Tuesday's Tidbits

"Mama, if you promise to take me to Chick-Fil-A for lunch, I promise to let you lay me down for a nap." Yes, this would be from Rory. And, yes, she had to take a nap despite no lunch at Chick-Fil-a.

"I just waved myself" after stepping off the bathroom scale.

"Mama, I just wuv spending time with you." Right back at ya, kiddo.

"So, is this one of those times that if we just tell the truth we won't be in as much trouble?" from Camden after we discovered both kids underneath Camden's bed eating smuggled candy.

I am totally and completely addicted to a new Korean drama (Gloria for all my fellow drama addicts). I rufuse to publicly admit how many episodes I watched during Christmas break.

I'm getting back on the treadmill this morning for the first time since FALL BREAK. 

To all my friends with boys in the 6-7 range who sympathized with me about Camden's toothpaste issues? Try travel sized white toothpaste. It's working for us. ;)

Camden was very happy to get back to school yesterday. Not so happy to realize that getting back into a routine included homework, showering (instead of a leisurely bath with toys) and an early bedtime.

We were in a cute little store yesterday when Rory spotted a pink Christmas tree. She liked it so much, I thought we were going to have to bring it home with us. Maybe I could find one on clearance somewhere!



Anonymous said…
oh, the toothpaste idea is brilliant!! at least if he empties the whole thing, it's still not much!

laughing at the 'waved myself', it reminded me of another to put on my post today..briar saying she wants to "scale herself" (weigh herself) comes out a little wrong...
Oh man, these kiddos never cease to crack me up...

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